May 03, 2018 02:08
I know y'all will be glad when I get my enormous, unwieldy stash tagged and annotated properly! For the time being, I'm in search of another fic I read a while back. Here's what I can remember:
Still America, but some event horizon occurred, and now the people are surviving in small cities, divided by their gifts/interests. Sam (not Winchester) is an important member of a city of psychics (or possibly witches, can't quite remember). He is the son of the Lady who rules the city. No mention (at first) of his father, although the Lady remembers John.
Dean is a hunter on the trail of Azazel. He comes to the city of psychics/witches (which might also be where New Orleans used to be) for help. The Lady offers to let Sam accompany him on his hunt. He grudgingly accepts.
They stop at another city and encounter Bobby Singer.
They wind up tracking Azazel thru the Western wastes of America. Of course Sam and Dean are strongly attracted to each other and wind up together. When they catch up to Azazel, he takes great pleasure in informing them that they are half-brothers, although raised apart. Then he disappears. And that's where it ends.
Any bells ringing? Please and thank you.
FOUND - see Comments
abilities: powers!sam,
au: boys raised apart,
pairing: dean/sam,
character: azazel