Request: Looking for specific Spanking verse Dean and Sam Season 3-4?

Dec 27, 2017 07:15

hi all once again I am in need of your help :)

I am looking for a specific spanking fic, which i think it was actually a verse? I think it started with some Season 3 but there was more Season 4?

This was a Dean spanks Sam verse-

Basically I remember one scene where Sam gets caught lying when he sneaks out with Ruby-( i think this one was with Ruby 1.0) Because after Dean spanked Sam and Sam was falling asleep he whispers to himself he hope Dean doesn't find out what he and Ruby talk about. The there is another Scene where I think Dean caught Sam with Ruby (Season 4) I don't know if he caught him drinking blood or not or maybe it was after the Siren fiasco?

I just remember Sam sitting in the passenger seat angry and sullen, until Dean tells him to stay put while he gets a room at the motel they are staying- and something in Dean voice got Sam attention and gave him an old funny feeling he hasn't felt since Dean went to hell.....I do remember either in the car ride or at the motel Dean telling Sam "you're gonna wish i never came back?" I think that was the sentence or maybe "You're gonna wish i was still in hell"

But yeah if this at all sounds familiar, send me a link :)

Happy Holidays <3

kink: spanking, season: 3, season: 4, genre: hugging, affliction: crying, character: sam, character: bobby, character: dean, attribute: protective!dean

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