Looking for a specific Sam/Dean breastfeeding!kink, breastplay fic

Sep 14, 2017 06:01

Hi again, since you people here are pretty awesome, I need your help again. I'm looking for another fic that seemed to have vanished.

The fic included breastplay, breastfeeding, Sam wearing bras, and being a (male) nursing mother. He's married to Dean in the fic, and they have children together. Dean is obsessed with his brother's rack, though Sam doesn't seem to be thrilled with the D or DD-sized pair. Dean shows him how much he appreciates them ;) It's a stand-alone fic (one chapter) that ends in sex and Dean fondling Sam through a bra that a size or two smaller.

UPDATE: these are the details ...

Title: Well-fed
Author: SloeDjinn
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Dean
Rating: nc-17
Kinks: pregnancy; alpha/beta/omega; breast play; dysphoria; feminisation; gags; humiliation; kink negotiation; lactation; lingerie; oral sex; sex toys
Story: After a nice Saturday at the zoo, Sam and Dean put their many children to bed, then go and have hot, dirty married person sex.
It's not in the deleted/purged journals. I'm not even sure if it got deleted or I just can't find it. I think it was on AO3 and spn-kink-meme. I hope these are enough clues and somebody out there is familiar with it.

Again, if it's not available for whatever reason (no copies online or pdfs), please do recommend something similar with the same pairing and similar kinks. I'd be grateful. Thank you so much! xx

Lots of love,

#Sam/Dean #Sam #Dean #Wincest #breastplay #breastfeeding #lactation

pairing: dean/sam, kink: crossdressing

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