Mar 07, 2017 10:14
Hi All,
okay I am going to try again: I am looking to you guys for help- I really hope someone can help me?
I am looking for a copy of a SPN Spanking fic:
Title: New Rule
Author: Atalantaj
Prompt summary: "You steal my baby, you get spanked"
from season 7 Ep.3 the girl next door
Does anyone have a copy of this or know the author and asked her if she does not mind sharing?? I've tried to contact her and send the author an Email in LiveJournal,since her account is locked?
It looks like her accounts been silent since 2011?
Thank you guys for all your help,
kink: spanking,
genre: hurt/comfort,
ep: 07x03 the girl next door,
character: dean,
!specific fic,
character: sam