Looking for 2 specific fics

Jul 03, 2016 13:48

Hi! So the first fic is an AU set during season 9 after Sam discovers Dean "tricked" him into saying yes to Gadreel. In the fic, Dean and Sam are mates but once Sam finds out about everything, he begins to unintentionally sever the bond between himself and Dean causing Dean to become sick. Dean eventually decides to kill himself to allow Sam to mate with someone else but Castiel intervenes before it is too late.

The second fic takes place earlier in the Supernatural timeline. I remember Dean named his teddy bear FUBAR after he mentally regresses to the mind frame of a child after a traumatic event. There's also a firefighter that Dean becomes close to during the story.


genre: boys as children, affliction: hurt!dean, affliction: deaged!dean, character: castiel, character: sam, affliction: low self esteem, genre: hurt/comfort, affliction: amnesia!dean, pairing: dean/sam, character: dean, affliction: sick!dean

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