Sam taken advantage of, protective Dean/John

May 22, 2016 21:56

Hey, I'm basically looking for any fic where Sam is taken advantage of by someone outside the family (another hunter, or maybe a teacher) and Dean and/or John find out and are protective/supportive. A few things:

- I'd prefer for the "taking advantage of" to occur preseries, but the fic itself doesn't need to.

- It's totally fine if Sam doesn't realize he was taken advantage of, like if he's 15 and sleeps with someone in their 30s and doesn't know that's wrong. Also totally okay if he's fully aware that something wrong happened but feels like it's his fault.

- Wincest or gen, it doesn't matter to me.

Not sure if there's any fic like this out there at all, but I figured I'd ask just in case.

genre: angst, genre: pre-series, affliction: hurt!sam, character: john, character: sam, affliction: low self esteem, genre: gen - no pairing, genre: hurt/comfort, affliction: boys hide injuries, pairing: dean/sam, character: dean, genre: high school, attribute: protective!dean

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