Oceans, Beaches, and/or Modern Boats General Search

Apr 15, 2016 10:59

Hello, everyone!

I'm looking for modern-day fics with an ocean-inspired setting. Think sun and surf (or maybe storms and surf), razor clam digging, boat building, desert island, dolphins, even aquariums, and so forth. Most of these will probably be AU. I'm not really looking for anything too historic or pirate-focused. All characters accepted, although Sam/Jared and Dean/Jensen are favorites.

The Ones that Can Swallow You Whole: A near-drowning has left Jared deeply afraid of water - a big problem considering he lives in a beach town. Jensen's a sailboat builder who's survived a few things himself.

The Drowned Land: Jared washes ashore a remote Carribbean island after a devastating shipwreck. The only person he can find to help him is a brusque, misanthropic natural historian who declares he only wants solituude, but whose eyes saying something else altogether.

J2 Recs also has a Mermen tag that features some great fics.

Thanks in advance!

affliction: hypothermia

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