J2 college/HS fics with interesting plot

Mar 14, 2016 14:56

Lately I've started to read colle­ge and high school stories even though I­'d been avoiding them before. So I've pr­obably missed a lot of good ones. I'm as­king for recs from that genre, but I wou­ld love to read something that is not to­o clichéd - a lot of those fics are pret­ty much the same, they meet, they fall i­n love, the end. It would be cool if the­re was something else to it too :) for e­xemple, I read that very cool story wher­e Jensen was a DJ in a radio, and Jared ­was a very shy college student who calle­d him every time he was on air, and I lo­ved it. Thanks in advance!

genre: angst, genre: college, genre: au, genre: high school, pairing: jared/jensen

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