Mar 13, 2016 18:53
I am looking for fics in which the angels are the main focus. I have read some fics which shows the brotherly relationship between them, and I would like to read some more of that sort.
And also, fics in which the archangels reconcile or have to band together to fight a greater evil, Lucifer becoming not-apocalyptic, or Gabriel not dying, etc... You get the idea.
Of course it can include the Winchesters and other humans.
And I'd prefer if it was gen. Even if it's not, it's okay as long as the pairing isn't the main deal.
The fics can be sad, happy, hilarious, anything really.
Go crazy with the recs; I have absolutely nothing better to do! ;D
genre: gen - no pairing,
character: lucifer,
character: raphael,
character: michael (angel),
character: gabriel/trickster,
creature: angel