Alright, so I've just updated my movie remake comm
spnremakes and it made me want to start another project. So, i'm putting together a master list of all the amazing science fiction stories that our fandom has created. Apocalypse, Alternatre Histories, Zombies, Superheros/Powered up boys, time travel, Aliens... whatever fits in the sci-fi realm. I've gone through every list, comm, and author that I know writes sci-fi but I don't want to miss anything! So, please rec me any and all sci fi!! Any pairing, SPN or RPF, any rating! If you have a great rec list, or know an author who writes a lot of sci-fi, lead me their way!! There can be crossovers, but the story needs to have one of the SPN/RP characters as a main character.
And yes, I have checked the tags here already :P
Thank you !!