We're getting off to a late start for Round 3 - unfortunately, some life issues came up to keep us from starting early. Hopefully, people have been working on stories and/or have plenty of ideas just the same! Dates have been changed thanks to the start, so make sure you check the profile page for deadlines and posting times.
All writers, sign up below with the following information:
LJ Name:
Author Name (if different):
Pairing (if known):
Remember, drafts need to be 15,000 words or more, and they're due by February 11th and must be complete at that time. Sign-ups will close on November 1st, so if you think you're interested in participating, make sure to sign up - you can always withdraw later if you need to. If you have questions, remember to check the
rules or
FAQs, and you can either comment there or email the mods at spnslashbigbang@gmail.com