Ask the Vidder

Apr 28, 2008 08:54

Hi! I'm deirdre_c and this month oxoniensis kindly invited me to host a round of "Ask the Vidder" here at spnroundtable. I told her we might want to think about changing the name to "Ask the Dabbler," but she insisted on "Vidder." I'll do my best not to make her regret it-- too badly.

You see, I'm a bit different from the other (incredible) vidders that have posted here before me, because:

  • I started vidding less than one year ago;
  • I didn't even know the art of vidding existed before discovering online fandom for the first time just over two years ago;
  • I have a whopping FOUR whole vids to my name: One Thing, Things That Make You Go "Hmmmm", Fit But You Know It, and-- just last week-- Birdhouse In Your Soul. You can find both streaming and download links to them under my journal's 'supernatural vid' tags, here;
  • I find myself most comfortable in one particular niche: comedy;
  • and, for creating my vids, I use iMovie, the most ridiculously basic, idiot-proof vidding program out there. Sadly, despite extensive reading in the extremely useful and user-friendly vidding comms here on LJ, my technical knowledge continues to hover somewhere just barely above zero. *pinkface*

  • So you can see I'm not much of an "authority" on vidding. However, perhaps that can be an asset in a forum like this, because I get the sense that sometimes people can feel vidding is intimidating or inaccessible or arcane, when in fact, I'm evidence that anyone can jump in and try their hand at it!!

    I'd love to have beginners or people thinking about beginning to vid come by and chat. I'm just an egg myself, hardly started down the road, so I hope I can provide some insights about that part of the journey. Of course, all you veterans (of the psychic wars) should stop by and give us some helpful tips, too!

    So come on over and ask me questions. Look how mostly harmless I am! I will do my best to be insightful, or lacking that, at least entertaining. :D

    ask the vidder

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