Fic Recs: Drunk J2

Mar 17, 2013 22:05

Happy March and Happy St. Patty's Day! Sorry to be so late with the posting, but I hope these stories will make up for it!

In honor of the holiday, I hope you enjoy a rec list of drinking boys!

Title: Too think to drunk straight
Author: quasianpride
Rating/Pairing: PG13-R, Jared/Jensen
Wordcount: 1,862.
Warning: Alcohol, marijuana, drunken groping, flagrant cussing, and Jensen Ackles.
Summary: Whenever Jensen gets drunk, he bakes. Mike Rosenbaum is a dick. And Jared is just drunk enough to molest Jensen without feeling guilty about it.

Drunk, baking Jensen?  What is not to love?  Drunk Jared helping is awesome.  Plus Jensen's thoughts roam from shankings, liposuction, and his need for new friends.  A must read and still one of my favorites for a great laugh.

Title: a little lot of what we want
Author: __tiana__
Characters: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R for sexual situations, language
Length: 3,963 words
Summary: Jensen's getting older, and he wants a few things. Singing karaoke was not one of them, but the night's not over yet.

More drunk Jared and Jensen!  This time, it's Jensen's birthday.  I love the rumbling drunkness that is written into this and how sweet the boys are together ;P

Title: To Hell With It, I'm Gonna Have A Party
Author: credulesque
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, suggestions of Tom/Mike
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,400
Summary: Jensen should know better than to let Jared near alcohol at network parties...especially when Chad's there.

Jensen needs to go somewhere Chad-less and a drunken Jared is making a move!

Title: Sweet Dreams Remain
Author: fourfreedoms
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 8,300
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jensen is a bartender who has the shit luck of falling for a married man, or the cocktail waitress who ended Jared and Sandy's fabulous marriage.

I love the way Jensen uses drinks to send messages to Jared.  There is just such great banter between them and I love the growing concern Jensen has about his relationship with Jared and how it all comes together in the end. 

rec: rps, rec: nc-17, rec: slash

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