Hi! I'm excited to contribute a monthly summary of the visual rollercoaster that is Tumblr. Each month I hope to share some lovely eye candy from across Tumblrland.
For those of us who have been on LJ for quite awhile Tumblr is an exciting place to explore. It can also be overwhelming and confusing. Several months ago I began to venture
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Comments 49
"It's not an easy place to communicate, mostly because if someone does leave you a comment there's no easy way to reply back as there is with LJ. It's all a one-sided communication. " <--THIS. I keep thinking there *must* be a way to respond to a post. But I've yet to figure it out ( ... )
I've had a few of my convention photos crop up on Tumblr uncredited, but the same could be said for LJ. For the most part people will reblog with credit and like you said, it's always very flattering. :)
I keep reminding myself that back in 2006 when I first started using LJ, I also felt a bit lost at times.
You've given me a little more confidence re Tumblr. Knowing that it IS a visual rollercoaster (and not just me seeing it that way) makes me feel better about it all.
Thanks for the links. I think it help knowing where to start. <333
I am looking forward to hearing from other LJ users of Tumblr to hear what sites they've found to love. Part of my challenge around Tumblr is the "MySpace-likeness" of it. Tumblr's that have very busy backgrounds, play music in the background (one of my pet peeves, I *always* leave a site immediately if music starts playing), or that have very busy layouts. I love it when I find a Tumblr that has content I love (SPN or otherwise) and is also one that is visually pleasing to the eyes. I want to find more of those.
I try and link to a lot of LJ content esp fic and art and meta on my tumblr, as I know many Tumblr fans find LJ impenetrable. If they don;t find the newsletter than its almost impossible to find what content you want. Building a network takes a lot longer.
Oh and there are FIERCE shipping wars on tumblr.
Are you also missyjack on Tumblr?
"as I know many Tumblr fans find LJ impenetrable" <-- I find this interesting. And perhaps encouraging? I mean encouraging in the sense that perhaps it's not that the users of Tumblr aren't interested in LJ, it's just that, like us, they are confused by it and don't know how to engage? I admit that I have little idea about how to actually engage with folks on Tumblr. Have you been able to have conversations there?
"there are FIERCE shipping wars on tumblr" <-- I figured there was as I have seen glimpses of it. I do tend to gravitate to the visual. Plus I find the format of conversations on Tumblr a bit hard to decipher sometimes.
One thing I am sure of is that Tumblrers are very vocal about their passions. Perhaps a manifestation of the youthfulness of Tumblrers? Or of the format? Or both?
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