Chat: what you want to see in season 3 (SPOILERFREE)

Aug 13, 2007 18:59

We're trying something just a little different for our chat post this month - we're having two! Both on the same topic, but one's spoilerfree (this one) and the other, hosted by schneestern, is as spoilery as you want to make it ( Read more... )


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oxoniensis August 13 2007, 18:12:20 UTC
I hardly know where to start - I think I could list a collection of fan fic that I'd love to see become canon. And I'm among those desperate for a bodyswap episodes, for all sorts of reasons, not least imagining the glee JA and JP would have in playing each other's roles.

OK, for now, I'll stick with characters I'd like to see return. Apart from Bobby and Ellen, who I feel sure we'll see regularly, I'd most like to see Lenore and Sarah (from Provenance) again. I'd like to see Sam's reaction to meeting up with Sarah again, post Madison, see how he'd deal with it. And I'd love to see how Lenore feels about the Winchesters now, after they saved her life, and see more of Dean dealing with the idea of a monster who actually isn't a monster.


lazy_daze August 13 2007, 18:22:28 UTC
The Js would have SUCH A BLAST with a bodyswap episode, omg. Maybe it could even replace Jensen's longstanding answer of 'Dead In The Water' for which episode he enjoyed filming most! *g*


oxoniensis August 13 2007, 22:17:58 UTC
I can't understand how he's still saying that after filming Tall Tales - I really would have thought that would have been fun, even with the long hours and everything! But oh, just the thought of a bodyswap episode, and I'm in my happy place!


eboniorchid August 13 2007, 18:38:26 UTC
I, too, would love to see Sarah, at least, back again. Her and Sam's chemistry was really great, and Lenore and her whole animaltarian vampire crew would be really interesting to run into also, I think especially now that Sam knows he's not wholly human anymore.

Really, too, if Lenore+ came back into the picture, Dean's reaction to not-quite-monster them could also help Sam have a better sense of how well Dean would take the whole demon-blood thing. I mean, I couldn't tell at the end there if his motivations in not telling Dean were to protect himself or to protect Dean or ... what? You know? I think other beings living in the gray area could help highlight Sam's own struggle to figure out his place in the world.


oxoniensis August 13 2007, 22:15:54 UTC
I really took to Sarah - as you say, she had great chemistry with Sam, and she was interesting in her own right too.

Really, too, if Lenore+ came back into the picture, Dean's reaction to not-quite-monster them could also help Sam have a better sense of how well Dean would take the whole demon-blood thing.

Excellent point, and now that makes me even more keen to see her return!


eboniorchid August 13 2007, 23:05:53 UTC
Oh yeah, no, I totally loved Sarah as a whole character/person too. Did not mean to imply otherwise. If she came back, I'd really want her to have her own history/story-arc that made sense after everything that happened, ya know? I know the show has some talented writers who could keep making her the kind of character I like to see around the boys, though. *nods*

I was going to say, too, about people who it'd be nice to see around. I know Ash's death felt a little anvilicious to me, so I wonder if maybe he's not really dead. And then there's that rogue Gordon who'll probably pop up again at some point, right?


oxoniensis August 13 2007, 23:11:55 UTC
Oh yes, I got that you meant that about Sarah - I was just reiterating really.

I've dithered backwards and forwards about whether Ash is dead or not, and settled on 'I don't know' - we've certainly not seen proof positive of it, just his watch, so I think that leaves room for him to return. Somehow, though, I don't see the Roadhouse returning, so I wonder what Ellen is going to do?


trulybloom August 14 2007, 05:18:17 UTC
Maybe this is a "duh" question and maybe it's been talked about to death, but is the name ASH a nod to Bruce Campbell's character in the 3 Evil Dead movies? Just wondering.

He was cool, though, so I hope he's not dead. I'd like to see him get involved (perhaps against his will or at least against his better judgment) in a hunt with Sam and Dean.


oxoniensis August 14 2007, 20:59:10 UTC
I haven't a clue about Ash and his name - I haven't heard anyone else suggest that, but then I'm known to miss the obvious! *g*

I'd like to see him again, because he was a fun guy, but on the other hand, I like the feeling of insecurity that comes from not knowing if anyone is safe - Joss Whedon brought that to his shows, and I'm glad Eric Kripke takes the difficult path at times.


eboniorchid August 14 2007, 12:49:06 UTC
I'm thinking Bobby's will become kind of the hub, a la the Roadhouse, at least for the Winchesters and their allies, so maybe Ellen's holed up and helping out there. If Ash came back, he could totally do the same.


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