Picture post #22 - Law Enforcement

Mar 15, 2011 21:52

This month's picture post is going to be a look back at various law enforcement characters that Supernatural has had throughout the seasons - because there have been some fantastic ones!

I have to start off with a personal FAVOURITE, even though she's only a one-episode character - the beautiful and kickass Officer Kathleen Hudak, from season one's The Benders:

One of the most obvious choices is the boys' fantastic s2/3 foe-turned-ally, who we all sorely miss - FBI Agent Victor Henriksen, who we saw first in Nightshifter, then again in Folsom Prison Blues, and his last appearance in Jus in Bello:

The next lady we've seen more than once is Sheriff Mills, who has shades of Officer Kathleen in her no-nonsense competent attitude and how she rather rocks the outfit; we first saw her in Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid in s5 and she returned in s6's Weekend at Bobby's to great effect. I hope we see more of her:

I believe the rest are all one-episode characters; another favourite of mine is Detective Diana Ballard from The Usual Suspects - played by the fabulous Linda Blair, of course!

And her corrupt partner Detective Peter Sheridan had the pleasure of shoving Dean against a wall :D

In Folsom Prison Blues, the boys took the job to help out their father's friend Deacon who was working at the prison:

(Interesting trivia: the same actor played 'Jim Michaels' in 6.15, The French Mistake!)

When Henriksen showed up to interfere in FBP, the boys sought the help of this awesome lady, lawyer Mara Daniels:

And a few smaller parts that stood out to me - such as the adorable Nancy who isn't quite a law enforcement officer, but close, as the police station's secretary in Jus in Bello:

This adorable guy who, let's face it, totally had a crush on Dean in Yellow Fever:

Something about this guy highly amused me - so deadpan in the face of Dean and Castiel's odd behaviour - Deputy Framingham from Free to be You and Me:

And does anyone know this guy's name from The Usual Suspects? And does it really matter, because he's 'Matlock' to both Sam and Dean! ("You two really are brothers, aren't you!")

And maybe I'm scraping the barrel now, but from The Third Man: We're the fed, Ed. - Ed? Dead.

Any I missed? :D

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