Picture Post #19: Missing Winchesters - THE ANSWERS

Nov 17, 2010 18:56

Here we are with the answers AND WINNER to ...

Sunday's edition of

cap 1

Time is On My Side
Note that they're not digging up an elevator but rather burying a fridge, with the Mad Doc inside.

cap 2

Curious Case of Dean Winchester
A bit of a toughie, though note the van in the back (with Bobby) and the tiny toothpick in Dean's hand.

cap 3

Dead in the Water
No real noticeable thing here, perhaps just a real tough cap.

cap 4

You Can't Handle the Truth
Difficult? Perhaps, though I went with a newer ep in hopes the tile and bar would be recognizable.

cap 5

Monster at the End of This Book
"I’m sitting in a laundromat, reading about myself sitting in a laundromat reading about myself - My head hurts."

cap 6

Malleus Maleficarum
Pretty much the only time they tore up a mattress: Sam's looking for hex bags when Dean drops to the floor.

cap 7

One of the opening scenes in the jewelry store.

cap 8

Phantom Traveler
I'm sorry, but Jensen being half asleep and half clothed will forever be burned in my memory

cap 9

Good God Y'all
When they're stuck in the church (?) basement and Dean swings the bingo card in order to check the peephole when Ellen returns without Sam.

cap 10

What Is and What Should Never Be
Hiding out from the djin.

cap 11

Cris Angel is a Douchebag
Oh, yes he is. And Sam's also holding a card, the only time in the series.




SOOOOOOO Now that you've tallied your right and wrong answers ...

Are you excited?

Do you think you got enough to win?

Well, the winner is










marciaelena & hefreak & avryspnxmas
These three got 10 out of 11, with number 9 being the most troublesome cap.
(in fact, no one got that one)

And with Honorable Mention!
9 out of 11!
"That is so ... respectable."

So, what do you all win? Bragging rights!
Maybe next time I'll think up something better than pride ;-)

Thank you
To everyone who played and commented!
Hope you all had fun!

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