"All business up front, party in the back." - Quotes Post #2!

Nov 08, 2010 23:21

Welcome to this month's Quotes Post!

This month I want to hear all your favourite funny quotes from SPN - in our five-and-a-bit seasons, we have gone to some seriously wacky and amusing places, not to mention the humour that characterises SPN even in darker episodes - there's a wealth of humour in the show for all its angst and gore, so post some of your favourites here! Have a poke through the awesome Super-Wiki's Transcripts section for inspiration if needs be!

A few off the top of my head:

Sam: Kids are the best?
Dean: Yeah, I love kids.
Sam: Name three children that you even know.
[Dean scratches head for while; Sam starts to walk away]
Dean: I'm thinking!


Dean: It's him.
Sam: Who?
Dean: It's him, it's Dr. Sexy.
Dr Sexy: Doctor.
Dean: Doctor.
Dr Sexy: Doctor.
[Dean pokes Sam}


"...And a giant mirror fell on guy named Dave."


Dean: Come on, dude, that's not how it happened.
Sam: No? So you never drank a purple nurple?
Dean: Yeah, maybe that, but I don't say things like "feisty little wildcat". And her name wasn't Starla.
Sam: Then what was it?
Dean: I don't know.


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