Hi! I'm Gianduja Kiss, and I'm so happy and flattered that
oxoniensis invited me to be the guest vidder this month. Thanks for having me!
A friend of mine introduced me to the concept of vids in about 2005, and I finally cracked and started doing it for myself in 2006. At the time, my fannish obsessions were Highlander and Starsky & Hutch, so I made several vids in those fandoms before branching out to others. I've now worked in several different fandoms, including (but not limited to) the Buffyverse, Merlin, Doctor Who/Torchwood, Dollhouse, X-Files, Dark Angel, Sherlock Holmes 2009, and, of course, Supernatural. You can see all of my vids at my general vids tag
I started watching Supernatural in the middle of the second season, fell deeply in love, and started vidding. I've made ten Supernatural vids so far, and three multifandom vids that include Supernatural. Some examples are:
A Charming ManThis vid focuses on Castiel, and is easily my most popular Supernatural vid.
BelieveThis one is angsty Wincest, and since I'm an angsty-Wincest kind of fan, it's probably my favorite.
Mr. WrongCrack/humor vid, Dean-focus.
Blaze of GloryManly!Action!Winchesters.
HourglassThis is a multifandom vid that includes clips from Supernatural, and it's my favorite of the multis I've made.
You can see all of my Supernatural vids
I've been using Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 since I started vidding, and though I definitely think my later vids demonstrate more technical skills than my earlier ones, I still feel as though I barely understand the program. One day, I hope to feel confident enough to branch out to something like After Effects, but today ... is not that day. For now, that means that my vids tend to use special effects pretty sparingly, but I'm slowly becoming a bit more aggressive about that.
And ... that's the that. Any questions?