Old School (Selection of fics from 2008)

Oct 17, 2010 12:50

To be honest, I could rec tens of dozens of things from 2008. It was the second year of spn_j2_bigbang, which was exponentially bigger than the year prior. The end of season 3 left us with the mother of all cliffhangers and the start of season 4 pushed the show into a whole new ballgame. But here are just a smattering of the fics I read that year to whet your appetites.

weathercock snowfall (starlight cockcrow) by kroki_refur | Gen | PG-13
Dean's got three weeks to live, and Sam's acting like a freakin asshole. And hey, it's not like that's never happened before, but this is a little too much like history repeating for Dean's liking.

Both Ends of the Rope by parenthetical | Slash, Sam/Dean | NC-17
The paperclips were Sam's first clue that something was wrong. He ran a finger carefully along the seam of the shirt he was holding, then slid another length of wire out of its hiding place, adding it to the heap of paperclips and small razorblades piled on the washing machine next to him. At least one, sometimes two, in almost every item of his brother's clothing.

I Want You to Want Me by delanach | Slash, Sam/Dean | NC-17
Sam is determined to get what he wants, despite Dean's reluctance.

Better Elsewhere by veronamay | Slash, Sam/Dean, Dean/Cassie | NC-17
An alternate version of 2x20, where Sam is caught in the djinn's spell ... and things are not what you'd expect. Some things never change, though: Dean still wants to save people, Sam's still hunting things, and at the end of it all family business is the only thing that matters.

I Taught Your Boyfriend That Thing You Like by apocalypses | Slash, Jensen/Jared | NC-17
AU. Jared is a big gay celebrity gossip blogger. Jensen is the biggest straightest action star in Hollywood. Boysex ensues.

The Cure For All Of My Blues by balefully and girlmostlikely | Slash, Jared/Jensen | NC-17
Jared has an enormous cock. Like, really, really enormous. It causes him lots of problems until Jensen comes along to properly enjoy it.

After the Tone by kashmir1 | Slash, Jared/Jensen, Jensen/OMC | NC-17
Years and years on the same show can spoil a guy, so it's no wonder that Jensen finds himself at loose ends after Supernatural's over. With Jared's schedule already filled up and no desire to play the Hollywood game anymore, Jensen takes a role in an Off-Broadway production in New York City, and starts himself on a journey to find out just who he is and exactly what - or who - he wants from life.

Dirt on Our Uniforms by beckaandzac | Slash, Jared/Jensen, Jared/Sandy, Sandy/Adrianne, Chad/Sophia | NC-17
Jared is a student at a snooty New England boarding school. Jensen is his shy new roommate. Jared's a goof, and Jensen wants to do something different now he's out from under the watchful eyes of his parents, so they start playing silly pranks around the school. (Don't mess with Texas, y'all.) After a while, in addition to being roommates and comrades in pranking, they're spending all their free time together... and maybe sometimes jerking each other off. And okay, maybe they kind of like each other. A lot. Possibly, you might even call it love (but you wouldn't do it in public). Features Jared's BFF/ex-girlfriend Sandy, Mr. Rosenbaum the crazy creative writing teacher, and a supporting cast of thousands (or at least dozens).

rec: sam/dean, rec: rps, rec: nc-17, rec: pg-13, rec: gen, rec: slash

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