Picture Post #18 - Caption Contest - winners!

Oct 12, 2010 22:11

Thank you so much to everyone who played in the Caption Contest, I had a blast reading your awesome entries!

The electorate has been polled, the votes have been counted and verified, and I can now reveal that the winners of the SPN Roundtable Caption Contest 2010 are...

*way overdramatic drumroll*


Dean: Here, it's the last one I've got.
John: Thanks, son.
Dean: Just remember, if you've still got one after four hours, contact a doctor.

by transfixeddream


Dean: (to girl at bar who has made an overture of threesome)"You know we're brothers, right?"
Girl: (perplexed) And?

by locknkey


Oh, thank god. Season four was just a dream.

by transfixeddream


Armani Tie, $125.00, Dolce and Gabanna shirt, $270.00. Getting the hot new IT guy alone in the elevator and getting so tongue tied I have to stare at my new IPhone? Priceless.

by hunters_retreat


Dean: Y'know, I remember seeing something like this in a porno once.

by transfixeddream

'Til next time!

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