Mixed bag of Sam/Dean & J2 recs, old and new, well-known and not.

Oct 07, 2010 12:52

Hello all! ::waves:: I'm so thrilled and flattered to join as a permanent reccer here! Thanks so much especially to standing_fic for inviting me! ♥ I've never done this before and I have no real theme for my first official monthly post here so I'll just start off with a few Sam/Dean and J2 fics that I've really loved reading. I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I did too.

A Twist of Fate, A Desert Sun
Author: zephyrocity
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~6,200
Spoilers: Through the end of season two; this is set in season three with no specific timeline beyond that.
Summary: When Dean is twenty-eight and his father is two years dead, he sees a dragon for the first time. Sam and Dean finally take that trip to the Grand Canyon.
Reccer's Note: Yes dragons and the Grand Canyon! what's not to love? this is put together beautifully and is desperate and gorgeous and had me on the edge of my seat the entire time!

Funny Thing About Denial
Author: dragonspell
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3345
Warnings: Angry!sex
Summary: Sam's been denying his attraction to his brother for years but when he walks in on Dean jerking off on Sam's bed, Sam knows that it's a deliberate taunt and he can't hold himself back anymore.
Reccer's Note: So I have such a definite thing for angry!sex and this fic certainly delivers. This is rough and dirty and oh so enjoyable!

Author: sonofabiscuit77
Pairing: Sam/Dean, one sided Dean/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~61k
Warnings/spoilers/tropes: This is Sam/Dean futurefic set mainly in 2013. This monster has the whole shebang of personal switch-hitters including: a lot of outsider POV, Winchester-domesticity (Windomesticity?), angst, hurt/comfort, first-time fraternal fumbling, Superhot Professor!Sam, scarred!Dean, bonded!boys, possessive!Sammy and plenty of explicit established-relationship boy-on-boy action. (Follows canon up to around 4-17).
Summary: Five years after the apocalypse didn’t happen and Sam and Dean have settled down, or as much as the Winchesters can ever settle down. Sam is a college professor and Dean a well-respected small business owner and they’re learning how to balance work, hunting and dog-ownership while coping with the metaphorical and literal scars of war. Life’s not perfect, not for a (sort of) out and proud couple in small town USA with a lot to hide, but they’re dealing, that is, until Dean employs one sexually-confused teenager who develops an unhealthy obsession with both of them... Switching between five years earlier and now, we learn how the boys came together, how they made it through the big fight and whether they’ll ever manage to find that flighty temptress, happily ever after.
Reccer's Note: where do I start? there is SO much to love in this fic, this is most probably the best Sam and Dean ever. Their relationship here is incredible; full of SO MUCH BLAZING LOVE, they simply can't get enough of each other. This author owns me as every single thing she writes is golden. I LOVE the outsider POV and every single thing just felt so real. Her characterizations are pitch perfect, the OCs beautifully written and her attention for detail is brilliant. I could gush about this story forever, it's an amazing amazing ride.

All in the Game, yo
Author: sonofabiscuit77
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: ~19,031
Summary: SPN AU, Dad was shot and killed by a police officer when Sam was five... Sam and Dean grow up in care on Baltimore’s Westside where drug-dealers and drug-pushers rule the streets, where kids face the reality of playing the Game or becoming a junkie, where two white boys have nothing to rely on except each other and their own smarts.
Warnings: This contains violence, amoral! and criminal! boys, there’s also mild consensual weecest, (Sam is 12 in one scene) oh and there’s some filthy grown-up wincest too ;D
Reccer's Note: Again SO MUCH TO LOVE HERE: gangsta!Dean, smart!Sam, SEXY unrepentant amoral!boys, posssessive!protective!DeanSam, their overwhelming love and utter devotion to each other, the way the boys TALK....just the entire world created here is beyond awesome and omfgg hotcrazysexy.

The Day Pretty and Gloomy Came to Town
Author: dragonspell
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Word Count: ~2250
Summary: The boys came in together but unless you saw it, you'd never know it. They stay apart and though the taller one keeps doing a lot of staring, they never make eye contact. The overly pretty one is making sure of that. Outsider POV.
Reccer's Note: I love outsider POV, I adore seeing our boys from a stranger's POV and this is done brilliantly. This is a sexy, intense and perfect little story with a gorgeous Dean and bonus possessive!Sam.

Didn't Dad Ever Tell You It Isn't Nice to Play With Your Food?
Author: leonidaslion
Rating: R (language, some suggestiveness)
Characters: Dean, Sam and Bobby
Pairing: none, but see author's notes on every chapter
Summary: Dean pays a visit on Bobby, but he hasn't really been himself lately...
AN: So, um, this is a gen fic, but I can see how people might slant it as Sam/ Dean. So I guess y'all can take it either way you want to. There's one line that's fairly suggestive, if Sam/ Dean squicks you, but again, it wasn't written with that pairing in mind.
Reccer's Note: Vampire!Dean (HOTT!) and leo's writing, what's not to love? Fair warning though, Dean is NOT a nice guy here ... and he really really wants Sam .... Sam is gorgeous in this fic: faithful, strong and determined.
Please do read the author's notes on every chapter as this isn't a pretty story. I loved it though! :D

Sing Your Hymns Like Angels In Defeat
Author: leonidaslion
Rating: R
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Wordcount: ~32,485
Summary: And Lucifer Fell for a second time with the burning brilliance of a star. The Flare shone in his wake, and darkness fell upon the land ...
Reccer's Note: This is so fantastic, so intense and just really and truly magnificent. It made me cry as leonidaslion's writing so often does, there is so much pain here. But God, this Dean and Sam, THE LOVE here ... this was an achingly beautiful read.

Resting at Magdala
Author: gretazreta
Rating: R
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: ~1500
Summary: He hath washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of his head. Wherefore I say unto thee, his sins, which are many, are forgiven; for he loved much.
A/N: Angst, schmoop, incest, vague blasphemy and a nail gun, not necessarily in that order.
Reccer's Note: The imagery and tenderness here is so very very lovely and Dean taking care of Sam pushes all my buttons. I'm so impressed, this is so beautiful.

Trickle down to our goodbyes
Author: gretazreta
Rating: G
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: ~5500
Summary: Jared is anxious about the future. Jensen makes breakfast.
Reccer's Note: I love and adore EVERYTHING about this fic; it's so rich and beautiful and feels so realistic, the boys are spot on and all the little details are perfect. The LOVE here and the domesticity is gorgeous. Jensen is SO amazing in this fic, so totally into Jared, there's a line in here that had me tearing up completely as for Jared? just omgg...my heart.

So Willing
Author: dragonspell
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: ~2500
Summary: Jared wakes Jensen up on Sunday morning. Sleepy!sex.
Reccer's Note: Sleepy!sex is another BIG kink of mine and it's so beautifully done here. Sleepy willing blissed-out Jensen is GORGEOUS and Jared's POV is awesome. Also? did I mention this was hot? like really really HOT. Gah.

every day is Saturday night (but I can't wait for Sunday morning)
Author: paragraph
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Reccer's Note: more HOT lazy sleepy!sex! this time from Jensen's POV. My only complaint is that this is way too short! :D

Love and Lycanthropes
Author: saone77
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: ~1413
Summary: When Jared gets his hackles up there's a specific routine that needs to be followed
Warnings: Alpha-ness behavior (can be seen as a D/s if you're so inclined), talk of toys, and inappropriate touching of a shapeshifter.
Reccer's Note: Jared as an Alpha werewolf. HOTHOTHOT. that is all. :D

This Could Get Messy immeditately followed by This Could Get Messier (word count = 1519) and Better Than Chocolates (word count = 923)
Series: Killer Romance aka The Adventures of crimeboss!Jared and ex-assassin!Jensen
Author: saone77
Rating: R
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: ~1636
Summary: AU. Jared has a pretty good life with his booming criminal organization and his indecently hot boyfriend, but when right-hand-man Chad thinks he's found a snitch will everything fall apart... or get cut into tiny pieces with a big-ass knife?
Reccer's Note: this is dark crack!fic and I LOVE IT. It's so much FUN and totally badass and her boys are hot and awesome. I love this author's style so very very much and it's just wonderful to be able to rec her here like this. I'm in love with this verse and I wish there was more of it!

Things My Mother Taught Me
Author: sevenfists
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: ~7200
Summary: This, ladies and gentlemen, is a story about assfucking.
Reccer's Note: Truth or dare? shaving! Assholish!Jensen (another kink of mine!), ridiculous hotness, guys being guys and great dialogue! I need to devour this author's masterlist!

Enjoy!! ♥

rec: sam/dean, rec: rps, rec: r, rec: nc-17, rec: pg-13, rec: slash

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