Picture Post #18 - Caption Contest

Oct 06, 2010 21:46

Hi all!

Welcome to this month's Picture Post!

This month I'm planning something similar to the Macro Competition we had last year, because that was a LOT of fun, but with different style of humour - Caption ContestUnder the cut are five SPN screencaps, fresh for a witty caption - it can be a description, potential dialogue, etc! I honestly tried ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

transfixeddream October 6 2010, 23:39:00 UTC
Eep, I love these. :D

Caption 1:
Dean: Looks like a vampire tooth. What do you think, Sam?
Sam: I... think I forgot my line.

Caption 2:
Dean: That's a, uh, very... interesting rash.
Sam: Whoa. I'll say.

Caption 4:
And so Dean learned that bustyasianbeauties.com wasn't mobile compatible.

Caption 5:
Dean: Y'know, I remember seeing something like this in a porno once.

Caption 5:
Dean: Very forward, Cas. I approve.


locknkey October 7 2010, 03:51:53 UTC
hee! #4 - :D


hold_onhope October 7 2010, 05:30:41 UTC


transfixeddream October 7 2010, 21:21:55 UTC
Um, can I enter more? Heh.

Caption 1:
Dean: Here, it's the last one I've got.
John: Thanks, son.
Dean: Just remember, if you've still got one after four hours, contact a doctor.

Caption 3:
Sam: Oh, thank god. Season four was just a dream.

Caption 4:
Dean: You want me to duck myself on your huge cork? Wha?
Sam: Fucking auto correct.


Captions sailorhathor October 6 2010, 23:54:11 UTC
John: ::in a raspy voice:: Here.
Sam: o/` Pass the duchie on the left hand side... o/`

"You have an incoming text from CASTIEL."
Text: "UR so HOT LOL"

Dean: "Dibs on the first dub-con blowjob."

Can we come back and add more if we think of them?


Re: Captions locknkey October 7 2010, 03:51:03 UTC
#5 - LOL!


janissa11 October 7 2010, 00:40:42 UTC
#1: "Here's a dime. Call someone who cares."


locknkey October 7 2010, 03:50:46 UTC
cold, but nice, very nice!


locknkey October 7 2010, 01:46:28 UTC

Dean: (to girl at bar who has made an overture of threesome)"You know we're brothers, right?"
Girl: (perplexed) And?


hunters_retreat October 7 2010, 05:57:44 UTC
OH! I love caption contests! Here you go!!

1) "The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout..."
2) Where have all the flowers gone?
3) "Dean, I just had the strangest dream of you dancing naked on a... oh. Not a dream then."
4)Armani Tie, $125.00, Dolce and Gabanna shirt, $270.00. Getting the hot new IT guy alone in the elevator and getting so tongue tied I have to stare at my new IPhone? Priceless.
5) You call top or bottoms?



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