So hard to choose what to rec for my first rec post here. I was all, must include this, and there are these crossovers, and that's my favourite story of all time, oh, and this one too... But I was brutal, and limited myself to four five six, and went with het recs, as we haven't had any of those yet
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Comments 30
Are there more out there?
I'll look forward to your reply.
These are stories in which one or both of the Winchesters was born a girl:
you always did prefer the drizzle to the rain by flipmontigirl (Dean/girl!Sam, NC-17, 3,166 words) This also mentions stories by onelittlesleep and niz4 in the header, so you might want to track those down.
Big girls don’t cry by femmenerd (girl!Dean/girl!Sam) ('m not sure if I've read this one, but she's a good writer, so I feel safe reccing it).
These are genderswap in the sense of one or the other being changed into a female.
Hiding in Plain Sight by antiship (Dean/girl!Sam, NC-17, 5,415 words)
Flood of Water by sevenfists (girl!Dean/Sam, NC-17, 9,893 words)
This One Time, In A Michelle Pfeiffer Movie... by trollprincess (Sam/girl!Dean, girl!Sam/Dean, NC-17, 4,609 words)
That Old Slippery Slope by scribblinlenore (Sam/girl!Dean, NC-17)
How Am I Gonna Keep Myself Away From Me by ethrosdemon
I'm sure we'll have genderswap as a themed rec post at some stage too.
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(And now I have probably embarrassed you again. *g*)
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