Picture Post #14 - The other member of the Winchester family

Jun 22, 2010 22:29

Today's pic post is celebrating one of the sexiest and best loved female characters in Supernatural fandom ;) ;) a retrospective on something that represents everything that is at the core of Supernatural: bad-ass, classic, sleek, sexy, powerful, all-American, beloved, tough, resurrected, and above all, the boys' love, home and family.

Our first glimpse of the Winchesters' 1967 black Chevy Impala - beloved by fandom as the Metallicar, a name bestowed very early on in the s1 fandom I believe - our first glimpse is in the moment that led to everything that became the series: the night Mary was killed and the Winchesters' lives changed forever.

Of course, the CHRONOLOGICAL first appearance of the Metallicar was in 1973, when a young John Winchester was gently nudged in the right direction. (Aside - I love me some time paradoxes like this. John only chose the car because Dean told him to but Dean only knew the car because John had chosen it before Dean was born but John only chose it because Dean told him to... :D)

The car brought Dean back to Sam:

...and took Sam and Dean back on the road.

In possibly one the best cliffhangers Of All Time, a mean ol' demon at the end of s1 destroyed the poor car--

--fandom spent a very agonising hiatus wondering if she'd be okay! (And don't even mention the fact we weren't sure for a while there'd even be a s2!!) And the Winchesters, too, whatever.

But Sam wasn't going to let anyone give up on Dean the car.

and Dean fixed it,

took out his issues on it

and then fixed it up properly; leading to one of my favourite scenes in SPN - the editing and music and beautiful car and happy boys is wonderful. Everyone now - DUN! DUN DUN DUN!

The car has been, as Chuck so poignantly showed us in Swan Song, has been in such a true way the boys' home, more so than anything else - they've bled, talked, fought, laughed, slept, fucked sadly not each other - that we know of - and cried in this car.

And Swan Song was a beautiful ode to the car and what it meant to boys - and, of course, under that, what they meant to each other:

Metallicar forever! Man, do I miss the KAZ 2Y5 plates. :(

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