Workshop: Faking It: Pretending You're A US Citizen When You're An Ocean Away

Nov 28, 2009 15:06

Hi! We're legoline and benitle and we're your hosts for this month's workshop:

Faking It: Pretending You're A US Citizen When You're An Ocean Away (language barriers and a lot more)Even though Supernatural is a show based on two US American brothers, it is admired and loved by people from all over the world. From Day 01, fandom has been a global community, with ( Read more... )


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embroiderama November 28 2009, 14:54:39 UTC
Wow, this is a great resource! The one thing I'd say is not to generalize too much based on how things are in one city or area of the country. For example, every parking meter I've used has accepted nickels and dimes as well as quarters, while I think some in NYC are now working electronically off of credit cards. Parking and driving in general seem to have a lot of different rules and conventions from the west coast to the east. (I'm an east coast girl.) Also, in east coast cities you're more likely to find older neighborhoods that have narrow streets, tight parking, etc. due to the neighborhoods being around before cars.


benitle November 28 2009, 15:19:51 UTC
Thank you! :D

The one thing I'd say is not to generalize too much based on how things are in one city or area of the country.
This is a very good point! Thanks for bringing it up. I used to live on the east coast for a while and never had to drive, so I was lacking comparison.

Thanks for your input.


legoline November 28 2009, 15:20:11 UTC
And there's a wonderful example for still getting it wrong after having done my research! :D When I went to Cali, we only found meters that accepted quarters. I should have added that this info may be Cali-specific :D


embroiderama November 28 2009, 15:24:54 UTC
I think California is its own little world in some ways related to driving and cars. ;)


legoline November 28 2009, 15:30:18 UTC
I really need to go to many, many more US states for comparison! :-)


izhilzha November 28 2009, 18:07:33 UTC
And it may depend on where you are in Cali--I am a Los Angeleno, and our meters take nickels, dimes, and quarters, but that may very well be because the city is so huge and there's just not enough parking anyway.


sororcula November 28 2009, 19:14:22 UTC
The parking meter item was the one that stood out most to me in the essay, because I'm from California and we definitely have meters here that accept nickels and dimes as well as quarters. But, like izhilzha, the area I'm from (SF Bay Area) gets a lot of traffic, so I could see that being a factor.


legoline November 28 2009, 19:47:18 UTC
You know what, it could that I'm mistaken. Maybe I should just ask Pet to edit it out :)


zillahseye November 29 2009, 06:37:15 UTC
BWAH. This. I was going to say that about the parking meters. Hell, we still have some that take pennies, and most of us won't even stoop to pick those up.


herongale December 1 2009, 04:06:27 UTC
My observation is that bigger cities or more expensive neighborhoods will have the "quarters only" convention, but if you're in a small town or a place which can't afford to update their meters, then it is more likely that you'll find meters that accept nickles and dimes ( ... )


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