RECS: Dean/Castiel

Oct 24, 2009 09:12

Ok, I am now officially on board the Dean/Castiel bandwagon, sign me up for the mailing list, give me a badge and call me sold.

Angel, Interrupted | strangeandcharm | PG-13

Summary: Life after falling isn’t as easy as it looks.

Read this fic, it'll break your heart and put it back together. There's a lot here, and at the end you realize how AU it is, but while you're reading it there's a moment that it dawns on you how absolutely cruel heaven would be.

Signs and Portents | aesc | PG-13

Summary: Inspired and encouraged by the brilliant and persistent trinityofone. We were thinking back over several seasons of Sam and Dean being mistaken for boyfriends, and got to wondering what happens when Castiel comes into the picture.

YES. Read this. The summary essentially tells you what it's about, but it doesn't tell you how hilarious it is, or how it has one of my favorite lines in a fic ever.

Echoes Fall Off Me | dotfic | PG

Summary: Coda for 5x04. This is not a happy fic.

dotfic says this isn't a happy fic, and there is something so horrific about Castiel falling slowly, an inch a time. It makes the 5.04 universe suddenly less about how funny it'd be with Castiel as a sex guru and more about how he fell that far.

rec: pg, rec: pg-13, rec: slash

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