I'm still a little thinky and on the fence about the last episode, but here's a couple of 5.04 missing scenes that really added something on top of it for me.
The Last Line by
Not Rated, but I'd say PG13
Spoilers for 5.04.
Sam says yes in a rundown street in Detroit.
This is what I wanted to see most in the episode and didn't get. The author does a great job of showing just what it would take to actually make Sam say yes.
Ain't no angel gonna greet me by
titheniel implied Dean/Sam (I read it more as gen.)
Not Rated, but I'd say PG13
Highlight if you'd like to see the warning: Canon death
Word count: ~1000
missing scene from episode 5x04, obvious spoilers.
"Dean swallows. Lucifer smiles."
What went on between 2014Dean and Lucifer?
I've apparently been reading a lot this month, because it was hard to narrow the rest of my list down to these few many awesome stories. I ended up cutting out anything that wasn't medium-length Sam/Dean, but still ended up with seven more stories that y'all need to read. ;)
The Tie That Binds by
NC-17 (language, sexual situations, some angst)
Sam/Dean, some Dean/OFC and mention of Sam/OFC
Warning: see pairing, mystical rituals of dubious consent
Word Count: 2,822
For The Fall Fandom Free For All. The request was for loolookitty, who wanted SPN, Sam/Dean Bonded Boys/UST, lot of sexual tension, build up, wanting, requited
Man, the ending of this wasn't quite what I was expecting, and it really packed a punch. I kinda like the boys messed up and angsty, if you couldn't tell. :D
Simulacrum by
memphis86Rating: R
Wordcount: 3,403
Sam tries to piece him together, bring him back to life. And Pygmalion gave life to what was never living.
This is a really unique, creative story, with an almost a wispy dreamy feel to it, like a fairy tale told around a campfire. I had a hard time getting it out of my head after I read it.
Dulce et Decorum Est [the mustard gas remix] by
Rating: R
2600 words. Written for kamikazeremix. Evil-ish!Winchesters, character death, blood and gore.
Sam saves Dean. Dean saves Sam.
Heed the warnings on this one. Probably the darkest rec on this list. Gorgeous, yet so painful.
Smitten by
5900 words
It's not really Sam/Dean, except for the way it is…
(There's also art for this fic
here, by
fennegie which is adorably cute.)
On the one hand this is cute and almost silly, but on the other hand, it's really poignant. You've got to wonder how much it would hurt to see someone else's soul looking out of your sibling.
Breathing Hard by
no spoilers
9,049 words
The day Dean figures it out.
Any story that can work the word "Pleistocene" into it deserves a rec just for that, but this story is so much more. A slow build-up with just the right amount of banter and love and passion, this is how I want them to be always.
The Land of the Blind by
12922 words
one of several possible futures, complicated by a different kind of amnesia.
Another story that's got a hazy dream-like quality to it. This one is both amnesia fic and apocalypse fic rolled into one, familiar yet a little surreal.
Running with Scissors by
light R for language
Wordcount: 3,600
Dean always chooses scissors.
I love how the rock-paper-scissors game says so much about their relationship here and how tender and thoughtful this whole story is. The idea could have been cliche, but the author has a light touch and struck the perfect balance.