Hi. My name is Sarah and I’m thrilled
missyjack asked to be the vidder this month on Ask the Vidder. If there’s something I enjoy as much as vidding, it’s talking about it. So please ask me questions!
I’ve made just over 30 vids in the SPN fandom and they are listed
here if you want to check any of them out.
Instead of talking about my vids (as such) I thought I would talk about the process I go through when making a vid. So here’s my:
5 Steps to Making a Vid:
1. Ideas/Inspiration.
Where it all starts. I’m inspired by a song (eg:
500 Miles,
Friend in Me,
Where Do We Draw the Line,
His Wings), or a characters in the show (
Deception to Perfection,
Staying Alive,
Heaven’s Door), or an idea that just pops into my head and won’t leave me alone (
Channel Hopping,
Batman & Boy Blunder). I am often inspired by fic or meta or other vids. Other vidders definitely inspire me - more so because I love seeing what can be done.
Channel Hopping was lurking around in the recesses of my brain for quite awhile before it I realised how I could actually put it all together. I wanted to make a vid to The Odd Couple theme, but didn’t think it would be enough to warrant a whole vid. So then I started thinking about other TV themes I could use.
Supernatural 5-0 and
Supernatural Dukes were a pre-cursor to Channel Hopping.
2. Planning.
Once I settle on a song the first thing I do is print out the lyrics. Check that what I think is being said, is actually the case, which it often isn’t! I then listen to the song over and over and picture what the vid may look like and start to get an idea of what clips I might be able to use.
I then open my vidding notebook and start to jot down ideas - brainstorming usually. I always try to make sure I know what the “focus” is going to be and ask myself “what do I want to say with this vid?” or “what do I want viewers to feel?”
The planning and notes usually go out the window though, once I actually start making it. But it gives me a starting point.
3. Making the vid
I love opening my editor to a blank timeline. I import the song, lay it down and then just sit there listening to it while I’m picture the vid. I then tend to experiment a bit to see if what I was picturing is going to work. I make a few initial clips and play around a bit. Unless it’s something like
Who Are You which is the only vid I’ve made where I clipped ALL the footage before even beginning. And yes, that’s extraordinarily tedious and I never usually do it that way.
The rest is just working at it. Clipping, importing, experimenting, etc. A vid can take any where from 3 hours (
I’m too Sexy) to 40 hours , like the vid I’m currently working on. On average about 2-3 weeks or 5 to 20 hours.
4. The Beta Process
Once the vid is made (or pretty close to being finished) I send a copy to my beta. I’ve been working with
_sharvie_ (Steph) for about a year and a half now and it’s one of my favourite parts of the vidding process.
I thought I’d spend a bit of time on this section as I haven’t seen much written about using a vid beta.
Steph is, I suppose, my main beta but I also seek opinions and sometimes ideas from
deirdre_c and
maichan808. *smishes* them all. They are extraordinary talents and I’m lucky to be able to call on them.
I use betas for a number of reasons. Primarily to get a second (or third or forth!) opinion on the vid - Namely is it working? Does it make sense? Or is there something I could be doing better?
The reason I enjoy the process so much is because it’s the only time (really) that you get honest to god feedback on it. And Steph goes over my vids with a fine toothcomb. So I get a lot of concrit. It also means I have a chance to work problems through. Steph will pick up things like narrative, transitions, POV, editing, effect use, etc. She’ll make me question my choices - really think them through and I like that. I’ve learned a lot about vidding by using betas.
I asked Steph to write on the basics of being a vid beta:
Sarah wanted me to say a few words about our beta process. She knows a few words for me equals a 10 page essay! *lol* But I just couldn’t say no to her, so here I am….doing my best to keep it brief. :D
The beta process can be tons of fun. Sarah and I have an absolute blast when we go at it!
Expectations: Set expectations and be honest about your limitations. Most problems come up in the early stages of a Beta relationship from not being clear about what as a beta you can do, and what as a vidder you expect from your beta. Some vidders want just a quick glance for random frames and not much else. While others would like a beta to talk about every aspect of the vid from top to bottom. Getting those details out of the way before you begin can save you tons of heartache later on.
Vision: One of the hardest things for a beta is to remember….it’s not all about you. The beta process is about how best to bring the vidder’s vision to light, not yours. Betas, if you find yourself starting a sentence with, “If I was you” or “If this was my vid” stop and remind yourself your job as beta is to help the vidder find their voice. Save the ideas about how you’d “do it better” for your own vids.
And vidders, don’t be afraid to tell your betas they’ve forgotten that fact. If they start steering you somewhere you don’t want to go, tell them loud and clear that’s not the vid you’re trying to make. If they don’t listen, and insist you make changes you don’t want to make, it may be time to question if they are being a good beta for you.
Tone: And finally, much like fic, it’s called constructive criticism. Be honest but keep it positive. Your vidders are going to be insane enough with the vid in general and with all the crit you’re giving them. Balance it out with notes about everything they are doing right. You can’t forget the squees! They are a must!
Whew! *wipes brow* Four paragraphs, it’s a miracle! :P
5. Posting:
About a week before I post a vid I get kinda excited. I enjoy the prospect of posting. But after I post it I get a bit nervous, though nothing like I used to. There’s no doubt it’s extremely rewarding when a vid is well received. On the flip side I tend to get pretty down on myself when it’s not. It’s something I’m working on because it’s not really worth the “post, posting blues” I get sometimes.
Having said that …. You have to ask me questions now *g* Anything will make me happy. Steph is around as well if you want to ask any questions about being or using a vid beta.