CLAIMED! Look at this adorable scene; could be Dean or Jensen, author's choice! And what about that floppy haired bunny? Leave your journal name and email below to grab it! (Or mail the mod if you prefer:
First come, first served. Comments are screened.
Title: Of Long Ears and Fluffy Tails
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Go as explicit as you'd like.
Pairing or Gen: Any ship or gen as long as the story's heavily Sam-and-Dean-centric, please! (but if you have an amazing, heh, plot bunny in mind featuring the SPN cast, I'm in!)
Characters: Dean and his small bunny army. One of the bunnies on his shoulder looks suspiciously like Sam.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Dean cuddling all the bunnies in a creepy forest of some kind, a Sam-mish bunny sitting on his shoulder. A wolf lurking in the woods behind them (make the wolf Alastair and receive my eternal love as a free gift).
Do Not Wants: Underage. Omegaverse. MPREG. Uber-fluffy-fluff. Uh, bunny bestiality? Sam/Eileen, Sam/Gabriel, or the kind of Dean/Castiel that leaves Sam out of the action.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Not very likely, sorry! Perhaps a banner.