CLAIMED! Look at these cool dudes; can you feel a post-apocalyptic SPN or RPF plot brewing? Come and grab this artwork to write it! Leave your online name and email below to claim this piece! (Or mail the mod if you prefer:
First come, first served. Comments are screened.
Title: Desert Rats
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: pairing preferences J2 or Sam/Dean, or Sam & Dean hard gen, but I'm flexible-ish? If the idea is bangin', pitch me!
Characters: Sam, Dean, or Jared, Jensen. Any one else co-starring is pretty much fine! Not a huge fan of Gabriel or Becky, but that's about it.
Warnings: no warnings apply
Short description of art: two men in ragamuffin, post-apocalyptic desert garb, looking fairly distressed all 'round.
Do Not Wants: Sabriel, Destiel, excretory kinks, parent/child
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: More than likely!