101: The Pilot

Jun 13, 2010 18:03

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season 1, 101 - pilot

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No Chick Flick Moments poestheblackcat June 17 2010, 08:55:11 UTC

It’s not that Dean doesn’t like chick-flick moments. No, it’s not that at all. He watches Dr. Sexy, doesn’t he? He’s seen The Breakfast Club, When Harry Met Sally, The Notebook (okay, that was only in order to get into Tiffani-with-an-i’s hot, sexy, red satin panties), and Ghost.

It’s not that he can’t handle chick-flick moments.

He just doesn’t like how real-life chick-flick moments make him feel. Especially those with his emo little brother.

Sam emoting and spilling tearful proclamations of bitchtastic emoness doesn’t bother him...much. It’s just that Sam expects reimbursement.


No, not happening, dude.

Dean’s hated talking about his feelings ever since the fire. Okay, he can admit that.

He remembers how Dad used to cry all the time, drink whenever he wasn’t crying (and even while he was crying-dude was multi-talented like that), and then when he got drunk enough, he’d tell Dean every single agonizing emotion he was feeling. Of course, in the morning, when Dad would wake up with a bitching headache, he wouldn’t remember a thing.

But Dean remembered. He remembered a lot of things.

And after that, whenever Dad would tell him to suck it up, soldier, real men don’t cry, they don’t talk about feelings, he’d think, yeah, right. But he’d suck it up and not cry. Even though sometimes, it was just too much. Too freaking much.

Sam’s always liked talking about his feelings. He’d tell Dean what he felt when his teacher told him that he was a smart little boy (Sammy felt proud, and so did Dean), how he felt when Haley Taylor kissed him (as if a Shakespearean sonnet had annihilated in his mind, said Sam-not-Sammy; Dean was proud), and how he felt when Dad bossed them around like he was some big-shot drill sergeant or some shit (Sam was angry, furious that he would do that, and he wasn’t going to listen to him anymore, damn it; Dean was just sad).

Dean’s always been good at listening. He’s just never been good at talking. Sure, crap comes out of his mouth every damn minute of every damn day, but it’s really just cocky bullshit. Dean doesn’t talk about feelings. It makes him feel naked.

Dean knows he is one messed up, repressed dude, but he’s okay with it. He’s not about to break down and blubber perfumed tears of sorrow about his rotten, messed up, depressing life. That would just be...gay.


Re: No Chick Flick Moments tahirire June 17 2010, 14:44:11 UTC


I hope one day that boy will recover from all the trauma of his life. *crosses fingers*


Re: No Chick Flick Moments poestheblackcat June 17 2010, 23:10:49 UTC
Oh, but think--if he does, we angst-luvin' fangirls wouldn't have anything to squee about. We MUST keep his life full of trauma every which way he turns, for the sake of our sanity! It is our duty to...

What are you looking at, Dean? Awwww, stop it with the reproachful look in your shining green eyes...Sam's puppy-dog eyes too?

Must. Write. Happy. Fic.


Re: No Chick Flick Moments wynefred June 17 2010, 16:21:42 UTC
Poor Dean! *smishes him into a big huggly hug*


Re: No Chick Flick Moments poestheblackcat June 17 2010, 23:12:01 UTC
*joins in group hug* Thanks!


Re: No Chick Flick Moments izhilzha June 18 2010, 07:47:23 UTC
Oh, well done. Very, very Dean.


Re: No Chick Flick Moments poestheblackcat June 19 2010, 01:50:18 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.


Re: No Chick Flick Moments sandymg June 19 2010, 17:09:58 UTC
Yep and a half. So Dean.

Loved this: Dad bossed them around like he was some big-shot drill sergeant or some shit (Sam was angry, furious that he would do that, and he wasn’t going to listen to him anymore, damn it; Dean was just sad).
--- That was my chick flick moment **meep**


Re: No Chick Flick Moments poestheblackcat June 19 2010, 20:49:08 UTC
Hehe, did you cry? :( I'm sorry. Thanks!


Re: No Chick Flick Moments borgmama1of5 June 20 2010, 07:04:56 UTC
"how he felt when Haley Taylor kissed him (as if a Shakespearean sonnet had annihilated in his mind)"

You totally managed to paint this perfect picture of Sam in this tiny bit!

And I think you have the entire reason why Dean doesn't like the emo moments pegged exactly right:
"It’s just that Sam expects reimbursement."
"It makes him feel naked."

Those two lines right there sum up Dean's emotional armor.


Re: No Chick Flick Moments poestheblackcat July 5 2010, 05:36:25 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked those bits. I'm partial to them myself. ;P

I try to get the guys' characters right, so it's great when people tell me I got the right.



Re: No Chick Flick Moments sweetdvl358 June 29 2010, 17:52:28 UTC
I really like this. I like how you portray Dean as always there and listening, but never wanting to be heard in the same way as he listens. Awesome job! :)


Re: No Chick Flick Moments poestheblackcat July 5 2010, 05:43:55 UTC
Thanks! Dean seems to me to be the character with the most repressed feelings of all the Winchesters. Sam and John just -poof- let it all out in one big burst, but Dean locks it in. It makes sense to me that it would translate to listening/talking.

God, I love this comm.

What does your userpic say? I can't read the whole thing.


Re: No Chick Flick Moments sweetdvl358 July 6 2010, 02:06:31 UTC
Yeah, I see that too.

Me too. :D

It says, "Don't argue with me... your side's closer to the telephone poles." ...Long story. ;)


Re: No Chick Flick Moments poestheblackcat July 8 2010, 07:49:28 UTC
Re your userpic: Huuuhhh. Should I ask?


Re: No Chick Flick Moments brokaw22 December 15 2010, 20:11:44 UTC
So true...very nice.


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