101: The Pilot

Jun 13, 2010 18:03

Welcome to the Canon Quotes Comment!fic Meme. First up - The Pilot! If you need help with The Rules, click HERE. Have fun!

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season 1, 101 - pilot

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A Million Miles Away (Or Just a Mile Up the Road) 2 elliemurasaki June 15 2010, 06:33:59 UTC
"BACK IN BLACK, I HIT THE SACK, IT'S BEEN TOO LONG, I'M GLAD TO BE BACK-" Sam smacks at the thing in his ear, connects with a cord, fumbles till he finds the buttons on his iPod and gets the damn thing off, and without the music at top volume he can hear someone else breathing. Familiar sound. Home sound. Sam's breath hitches, comes faster, and there are two hands on his shoulders and a reassuring murmur in his ear soothing him through the panic but he still can't open his eyes.

"Sammy, come on, look at me. Sam."

Sam gets a lungful of air and forces his eyes open. His right sleeve's shoved up past his elbow, where there are two new cuts, beading blood, and a few grains of salt and a couple drops of water next to a red patch already smeared with aloe. (He hasn't been sleeping well, but he slept through all that?) Next to that arm is a denim sleeve, and attached to that sleeve-

"Welcome back to the land of the living," Dean says. "You were planning on telling me you came home, right? You weren't gonna nap in the car and take off?"

Sam looks down. "You weren't supposed to know."

"Oh you self-righteous little bitch."

Sam snorts, feeling his mouth twist up without prompting. "Missed you too. Jerk." Sam sits up, tugging Dean into the car, and pushes them both around until he's satisfied with the arrangement, Sam as Dean's pillow and Dean as Sam's blanket. They don't fit, at all, but Dean isn't protesting and Sam can't be bothered to care.

Home sweet home. Why was he so afraid?


Re: A Million Miles Away (Or Just a Mile Up the Road) 2 tahirire June 15 2010, 17:42:31 UTC
I like this! My favorite thing is all the little details you threw in, like Dean keeping Smith and Sam testing himself to make sure he was really him. I LOVE Sam climbing into the backseat of the Impala to rest, and the implication that Sam checked the lock with some sort of esp makes me insanely happy. :)


Re: A Million Miles Away (Or Just a Mile Up the Road) 2 elliemurasaki June 15 2010, 17:50:44 UTC
Dean would have to be an idiot not to keep that identity. It has much money attached. Well, maybe not much from the perspective of your average director of marketing, but still more than Dean's probably ever dreamed of.

I figured if Sam was using any psychic ability, it'd be to keep from being seen when somebody looks out the window. We just never see them unlock the car; logical assumption, therefore, is that it's hardly ever locked, so Sam checked the lock by the much more prosaic method of trying the handle.


Re: A Million Miles Away (Or Just a Mile Up the Road) 2 tahirire June 15 2010, 17:56:48 UTC
LOL. I was talking about the lock on Lucifer's cage. I tend to jump subject matter with little or no warning.

(Sam checks: the jury-rigged lock on the cage, turning Lucifer's and Michael's grace into stronger cage bars so it can't be used as wrecking balls, is holding firm.)



Re: A Million Miles Away (Or Just a Mile Up the Road) 2 elliemurasaki June 15 2010, 17:59:42 UTC
Oh, right, that. Yeah. I wrote this at two-thirty in the morning. I can't be expected to remember everything I wrote. :) Yeah, definitely some psychic connection going on there. I think Sam didn't get himself as thoroughly disentangled from Lucifer's grace as he got Adam from Michael's. Probably deliberately, so Adam would be free to live or go back to heaven (and I'm fairly certain Sam introduced him to Ash and told Ash to find Kate Milligan) and Sam would know if anybody tried messing with the cage again.


Re: A Million Miles Away (Or Just a Mile Up the Road) 2 tahirire June 15 2010, 23:19:58 UTC
Lol. That's the joy of comment!fic!! You can read it later and go ... when did I write that? O.o



Re: A Million Miles Away (Or Just a Mile Up the Road) 2 khakigrrl June 15 2010, 18:51:32 UTC

LOVE this! I was so hoping that quote would prompt a 5x22 fic. And how did you know I've been dying for a Dean-finds-Sam-sleeping-in-the-Impala scene? It's just perfect.

I love your touch of the music Sam's listening to, and the idea that he hasn't been sleeping well, but put him in the Impala listening to his lullaby music, and he's out for the count. :-D

Thank you so much.


Re: A Million Miles Away (Or Just a Mile Up the Road) 2 elliemurasaki June 15 2010, 21:39:14 UTC
I just wrote the fic I'd been hoping someone else would write, really.

My thought was more along the lines of Sam was just that deeply asleep (because it was the first time in however long it'd been since falling in the hole that Sam felt safe enough to sleep more than half an hour at a stretch, and because Dean's presence a foot away made sleepy!Sam feel that much safer) that Dean finally grabbed Sam's iPod, stuck the headphones in Sam's ears, and turned the volume up. There may already have been a discussion of why so much of what's on Sam's iPod is Dean's music. But I like your thought better.

Glad you enjoyed!


Re: A Million Miles Away (Or Just a Mile Up the Road) 2 sandymg June 15 2010, 21:55:37 UTC
Loved the Impala being unlocked and Sam sleeping in it and the definitions of home.

So good.


Re: A Million Miles Away (Or Just a Mile Up the Road) 2 elliemurasaki June 15 2010, 21:59:33 UTC
The Impala's always unlocked, apparently, since we never see them unlocking it.

Glad you enjoyed!


Re: A Million Miles Away (Or Just a Mile Up the Road) 2 sweetdvl358 June 29 2010, 18:00:56 UTC
I like that Sam was hesitant, and that Dean forced him out of it. I also really like that Sam checked himself and managed to sleep through Dean doing the same. Awesome job. :)


Re: A Million Miles Away (Or Just a Mile Up the Road) 2 elliemurasaki June 29 2010, 20:29:43 UTC
Glad you enjoyed!


Re: A Million Miles Away (Or Just a Mile Up the Road) 2 brokaw22 December 15 2010, 20:31:48 UTC
Oh, I really love this.


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