303: Bad Day at Black Rock

Aug 20, 2011 00:29

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302 - bad day at black rock, season 3

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weakness themonkeytwin September 29 2011, 20:09:06 UTC
I didn't spend much time thinking about Hell. About what it would be like in the Cage. I could not afford to; dwelling on what awaited me down there could only weaken my determination to jump.

So I shut that part of me away and focused on the mission and if I thought about it at all, it was only to do everything I could to make sure I saw it through. I would atone. I would save the world. I would save my brother. I would overcome the evil inside me; I would finally know I am good, if only by damning myself to Hell.

I couldn't always keep it out. But never, in the darkest of thoughts, did I expect this. I thought it would just be me. Me and Lucifer, and I could just keep fighting - the way Dad taught me, the way Dean taught me. Forever, until there was nothing left to fight with. I'm not delusional, I knew I'd lose. But I also knew that, finally, I would be the only one to suffer because of it.

I raise my head to meet my little brother's eyes, and I break into pieces all over again. I've lost count how many times and how many ways a person can come apart.

We're decades past the moment Lucifer and Michael convinced Adam to pick up a scalpel. The poor kid, he was so ... tormented. I didn't blame him. But I'd run out of ways to protect him a long time ago; every impulse to do so was like torture catnip to them, and if this meant they'd stop scourging him in front of me, if he could get some relief, the work he went to on me was a small price to pay.

We're years past the moment Lucifer suggested to me that maybe I could save him. I honestly don't know if I really believed him, but by then anything seemed possible. If I could just destroy Adam enough, if I could take him down to motes and cut them up too, maybe he'd be gone.

We're months past the moment I knew he'd never be gone. That neither of us would ever be gone. There are bits of both of us all over this Cage, and there are archangels hating each other through us, and I don't really have anything else to do for the rest of eternity. Who knows? Maybe while it's my turn I'll discover something that really will help. I always was good at research.

There's a knife in my hands. And I know just where to start.

A/N: I never intended to write hell- or cagefic, and I did what I could to keep this relatively tame. However, Tahirire suggested that Sam's presence in the cage would make Adam marginally safer. And unfortunately my mind immediately took me here. So ... sorry? :/


Re: weakness tahirire September 29 2011, 22:39:08 UTC
LOL. I would expect nothing less. So, hm. Thank you?

But I also knew that, finally, I would be the only one to suffer because of it.

That line is 100% pure Sam. And Harry Potter.

And here, have one of a different flavor. Yoo liek eet.


Re: weakness themonkeytwin October 1 2011, 19:41:36 UTC
I did liek eet! I liked it a real lot. I just don't believe it. :/

That line is 100% pure Sam.

BOOYAH! (I get so excited when I get Sam. It gets a little undignified.)


Re: weakness tahirire October 1 2011, 19:43:14 UTC
And Harry Potter

I personally don't believe Adam was ever in the cage. I see no reason for his soul to regenerate back into the vessel whenever his body exploded. Same as I don't think Jimmy has been home for a long, long time. But eh. All the theories are fun. :)


Re: weakness themonkeytwin October 1 2011, 19:50:38 UTC
Yes, yes, you can keep your Harry Potter. Don't care about him, he was always a pretty annoying prat to me.

Adam in the cage ... same as the Jimmy consideration ... I WANT that to be the case, but this just is not the Show to go easy on anyone in that way. You don't get a free pass just because; it's all about consequences. Which is awful, but also part of the reason I can actually take it seriously.


Re: weakness tahirire October 1 2011, 19:52:47 UTC
Sure, maybe - but isn't a consequence of exploding, you know, DEATH?


Re: weakness themonkeytwin October 1 2011, 20:05:55 UTC
We can hope! But I'd have to have a better handle on what Show thinks on the matter before I'm willing to say for sure. They've drawn a pretty damn strong link between body/remains and spirit, so, I mean.... I don't know.


Re: weakness wynefred September 30 2011, 04:38:56 UTC
Wow. You put this together very quickly. I only posted this prompt a day or so ago. :D

I love this concept. Poor Adam. He'd had no idea what he was getting himself into.


Re: weakness themonkeytwin October 1 2011, 19:46:26 UTC
Ha, thanks. It went faster because in NO WAY did I want to actually delve into this notion AT ALL. I figured keeping it clinical was an okay tonal choice for where Sam would be at that point (or at least where he was TRYING to be).

I know, I hate thinking about what happened to Adam. Gah.


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