222: All Hell Breaks Loose 2

Jul 10, 2011 01:48

Prompters, leave a quote from this episode as a comment.
Writers, choose from any prompt and write a story inspired by the quote.

Check the intro post if you have questions and spread the word.
Remember: If you know your story contains a spoiler for unaired episodes, please include "*spoilers*" in the comment title. If your fic is more than one part, please post the second part as a comment reply to the first part. Feedback for writers should be left on the last part of a story thread in order to make navigating easier.

Caps by oxoniensis.

Remembrance, by samidha  Dean: "It's like my life can mean something." Bobby: "What? And it didn't before?" 

season 2, 221 - all hell breaks loose 2

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