216: Roadkill

Apr 23, 2011 20:36

Q&A Check the intro post if you have any questions.
Spread the word! Don't forget to take a banner and tell your friends!
Spoiler Policy If you KNOW your fic contains a spoiler, please title your fic "Title - SPOILERS", so that I can warn everybody. :)
Remember: If your fic is more than one part, please post the second part as a comment to the first part. This makes it easier for me to link them in the master lists. Also, please try to make sure you are commenting to a fic thread with your author feedback. Erroneous comments will be deleted.

Caps by oxoniensis.

The Immortal Game (SPOILERS for 6x22), by monicawoe Sam: "Whatever it is, they just hold on too tight. Can't let go. So they're trapped. Caught in the same loops. Replaying the same tragedies over and over."

season 2, 216 - roadkill

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