Edition 3,234

May 30, 2015 22:11

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Fanfic: Sam/Dean
Who's afraid of the dark? 31/? by lukinha-jesus (NC-17)

Fanfic: Other Slash
Take Two 8/? by lotrspnfangirl and lotrspnfangirl (Dean/Castiel, R)

Fanfic: Gen
A Place Where I Belong by peppermint-wow (PG-13)
We're not calling it Babe 8/? by emebalia (PG)

Fanfic: RPF
My Lovely 11/? by fedaykin-here (Jared/Jensen, NC-17)
The One That Got Away by twoboys2love (Jared/Jensen, NC-17)

Art recs at crack-impala
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