Edition 2,923

Jun 26, 2014 21:16

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200th Episode Flyover at all_spn

Fanfic: Sam/Dean
Last Resort 20/? by dreamsofspike & choose2live (Sam/Dean/Castiel; R)
The Things We Lost by yohkobennington (R)
Island Wedding by crowleysfoliage (R)
Everything he doesn't do by ash_carpenter (NC-17)

Fanfic: Other Slash
Crossing Boundaries 2/4 by nariko_d (Dean/Castiel, Balthazar/Castiel; R)
all i want for you to do is take my body home by xylodemon (Dean/Castiel; NC-17)

Fanfic: Gen
Howl at that Moon by starrylizard (PG)
Stalk Watch 4/5 by mentholpixie (PG-13)

Fanfic: RPF
Off-Screen Chemistry by cheerleadingsam (Jared/Jensen, Jared/Genevieve; NC-17)
Rhythm Divine by yohkobennington (Jared/Jensen; NC-17)
(You) Under My Skin by roxymissrose (Jared/Jensen; R)

Pink is My Favorite Color by a_biting_smile (NSFW)
Art for "Island Wedding" by uh_tiramisu
Art for "(You) Under My Skin" by yanyann

Jensen back in Vancouver to prep for s10 directing at all_spn
4.01 picspam by wings128

Vid rec at spnvidrecs
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