Edition 2,606

Jul 07, 2013 23:22

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Sunday Comic Con news posted by kate_mct at all_spn

Summer Challenge Check In Reminder at evilsam_spn
Challenge #332 at super_stillness
Author and artist sign-ups at dragonbigbang
Sign-ups open at spnaubigbang

Fanfic: Sam/Dean
Sure Got a Dirty Mouth Ch 61: Revelation by justinedelarge (R)

Fanfic: Other Slash
A Demon's Grace 12/? by variouslyvaried (Dean/Castiel; R)

Fanfic: Gen
Fear and Shame #6: Tribulation by scribble2much (PG)
Overflow by monicawoe (PG-13)
Lupo Mutaret 16 by nblaque_impala (R)

Fanfic: Het
Did he…? by ichliebetigers (Dean/OFC; R)

Fanfic: Other
New Beginnings 7/? by virtualpersonal and brimstonegold (crossover with Fairy Tales; Sam/Dean; NC-17)
At the Crossroads by kaylashay (crossover with White Collar; gen; PG-13)

Fanfic: RPF
Right Where You Are by sakura_no_mi (Jared/Jensen; NC-17)
Better Than Chemistry by alezig (Jared/Jensen; NC-17)
Promises to Keep by tipsy_kitty (Jared/Jensen; NC-17)
The Fire Is In Our Pants by brokenhighways (Jared/Jensen; PG-13)
Mi Corazón de Cenicero (Jared/Jensen, Jensen/Danneel, Jared/Genevieve; PG-13)

Blast From the Past recs by gretazreta at crack_impala
J2 and misc recs by wendy
Summer-themed recs bby lavishsqualor at spn_themes
Crossover rec by colls at rocksalt_recs
Art rec by anniespinkhouse at j2_crack
Vid rec by kassidy62 at rocksalt_recs

Heavenly Angels by scifiangel (Castiel, Gabriel, Balthazar, Michael, Lucifer; NC-17)
Supernatural manips by scifiangel (gen, G)
Art for tipsy_kitty's Nymph!Jensen series by dulcetine

J2 gifs posted by kate_mct at all_spn

Supernatural Tie-in Novel "Carved In Flesh" giveaway by wishflthinkr
Mod post/discussion: caretaker!Dean at hoodie_time
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