Round 10: Day 02

Jun 21, 2011 12:04

So, everyone enjoyed yesterday, yes?


*will smite anyone who says otherwise*

Then it's great that everything continues on today!

Once again, you have all received a type of challenge. Team 01 and Team 03, from me. Team 02, from emeraldsnakes. There are points awaiting that really mean nothing if you happen to complete these oh-so-critical tasks.

Now, what have those roles done now...

Poor Cupid. Looks like he felt so unloved, he marathoned Supernatural and become obsessed with it. Guess the little Cherub is stuck with speaking only in SPN quotes today.

You have all day to complete your challenges and get your proof in to the correct post:

For Team 01 and Team 03, the post is on my journal, for Team 02, it's on emeraldsnakes's.

And a reminder:

The deadline for role decisions is 7:00 AM CDT and the deadline for challenge proof is 11:30 AM CDT (though we're all lenient here and it's not like I'm gonna smite you if you, say, wanna give me Day 01 proof in a comment today :P)

Have fun :D


round 10, day post

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