Role Changes, Updates, Announcements, Etc.

Mar 15, 2011 10:43

Sign Ups

Sign ups for Round 6 are still in effect - and will continue for the rest of this week, not ending until Saturday, the 19th. So if you want to play, you have plenty of time to sign up - and spread the word around! We all know how fun it is with lots of people, yes?

Role Changes

If you've checked out the list of roles here on spnmafia lately, you've probably noticed some changes. Some new roles have been added, and some roles have had name changes - but are still the same.

Here's a simple breakdown of what's changed.

Roles that have had a name change:

Doc Benton - formerly the Insane Doctor
Hunting Buddies - formerly the BFFs
King of Hell - formerly the President
Prophet - formerly the Psychic
Reaper - formerly the Hunter
Shapeshifter - formerly the Chameleon
Trickster - formerly the Wheel of Fortune
Vengeful Spirit - formerly the Vengeful Townie
Assassin Trickster - formerly the Assassin Wheel of Fortune
Evil Prophet - formerly the Evil Psychic
Panic Room - formerly the Witch

New Roles:

Paranoid Gun Owner - If they are targeted in the night, they kill whoever targeted them, regardless of alliance (i.e. if they're Vigilanted, then they kill the Vigilante. If they are assassinated, then a random Assassin is killed).

Secret Judas - The Judas role, but it is randomly assigned secretly - the recipient does NOT know they are the Judas. (Note: If there are "regular innocents" in the game, it is one of them; if not, it is second role to an innocent.)

Devil's Trap - Can block a player's abilities in the night, with a 100% chance of success. (Can only be used every three nights! Ex. Use, No, No, Use, No, No, Use, etc.)

Director Kripke - May choose a player each night who will only be able to speak using quotes from the show for the following day. (Note: Quotes do NOT have to be from his/her character. Can be used IN PLACE OF the Dentist or IN ADDITION TO the Dentist.)

Mafia Framer - Chooses someone each night who, for that night only, will be the "Miller" (an Innocent who, if they get asked about via any Seeing ability, will be told is an Assassin).

Also, there will probably be an RP DAY either Wednesday or Thursday. If you have a preference for a particular one of those, let me know ...

I think that's it.


mod entry, roles

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