Hi everyone!
invisiblelove and I have been on a high for the last 24 hours from all the excitement you've all surrounded this community with. We are so glad you're all as pumped about the many, many SPN/Lost crossover possibilities as we are! The party's still going on at the
Friending Meme, so get your butt over there if you haven't already!
A few housekeeping things before we get started:
The community's Tags List will be posted in the links bar at the top for quick reference.When posting anything -- fic, icons, wallpapers, meta, picspams, fanmixes, videos or other -- please use the appropriate classification tag.To tag the characters involved in your fan work, simply type
character: ____________
A list of characters have already been added to the tags list, but if one you need is missing, please tag him/her in the above fashion. If for some reason you run into any problems, just let hopelessfangirl or invisiblelove know and we will take care of it for you.Similarly, to tag the pairing involved in your fan work, simply type
pairing: character1/character2
To make searching easier, please tag the characters in alphabetical order. For example, Jack/Sam should be tagged "pairing: jack/sam" while Jack/Castiel should be tagged "pairing: castiel/jack"We're not too strict on fic posting guidelines. Most of you are used to posting fic, so whatever format you like to use is fine. The only thing we ask is that you put the body of your fic under an LJ cut. For your convenience, here's a basic format you may use if you wish:
Word Count:
Author's Notes:All graphics (icons, wallpapers, picspams, etc.) should also be put under an LJ cut. However, you're allowed (and encouraged!) to use a preview graphic of no larger than 400x400 pixels (or in the case of icons, 3 or 4 teasers). That's it for the guidelines! If anyone had any questions or comments on posting, please leave them in reply to this post.
Now for the exciting news...
We will soon be hosting a SPN/Lost comment fic meme!
invisiblelove and I originally planned to wait a few days to start one up, but frankly you guys have made us too excited to wait! Look for that either later this evening or ASAP tomorrow. Start brainstorming your fic prompts now!