Challenge 2, Round 9, Challenge

Feb 13, 2007 11:12

Again sorry that this has gone up a little late.

To participate in this challenge you must have made it through all previous rounds. You can check your status here.

This week a tribute to Dean's musical tastes.  You may use any images from the show, or any object, place, or character  but somewhere on the icon you must use at least 4 consecutive words from one of the following Metallica songs, which capture the WInchesters in truly eerie way: The Unforgiven or The Unforgiven II.

Plain text icons are also fine.

If you need images the following sites are good sources: Supernatural Media or Supernatural Central.

1. You must use tat least 4 consecutive lyrics from one of the songs listed about - the lyrics can be found at the links given.
2. You may use any images you please.
3.You may use textures, brushes, stock images etc.
4. Animation is allowed.
5. Your icon must meet LJ requirements, i.e. less than 40kb and 100x100 pixels
6. Your icon must be new, made specifically for this competition.
7. Do not post your icon anywhere before voting for this round is complete.
8. If you need to skip this round, please let me know at the bye post.
9. Post a comment with your icon to this post, with both the image and the url. Comments are screened. For example:

Entries are due at 11.00 AM GMT on Saturday the 17th of February. If you are unsure about the time difference, this site should help.

Entries rcvd: 0/11

challenge 2, challenge, round 9

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