So - I'm maybe just a tiny bit vocal about my support for the visual artists out there. *points to nearly all of her icons* Maybe just a little bit. *grin* I didn't know such a creature as the Reverse Bang existed, though, until I was fortunate enough to receive some jaw-dropping art from
denig37 (FicArt and my ENTIRE layout! Have I said thank you?? *laugh*). I think the Reverse Bang is a fantastic idea and I can't wait to see what comes out of it! I love the idea of basing a fic on an image - I kind of do that anyway without the benefit of an actual talented artist. I just see crap in my head I have no other way to get out besides words since I can't make art. *sniff* So please go when it's ready, look at the art, make pretty words! OR! If you're a lovely and talented artist please share your brilliance with the rest of us!