This post is for ANY AND ALL REAL PEOPLE PROMPTS. People from other fandoms are allowed as long as the main pairing includes one person from the Supernatural cast. Exceptions made for Jared, Jensen, and/or Misha's wives.
Prompts or fills mentioning real people under the age of 18 are BANNED, they can not be aged up or mentioned in
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The minstrels would sing the songs of the single combat that followed for generations to come. The two Alphas were apt heroes for the tales. Both were second sons that had risen high above all their peers, and also the only survivors of their immediate bloodline. By the deaths of their fathers and older brothers, each wore the mantel of clan First Alpha with pride, and although young, both had proven themselves able of inspiring fierce loyalty amongst their people and capable of wisdom that belied their age and experience.
Jensen was the older of the two, although by only a scant four years. It was said that his smile and comeliness attracted omegas as flowers did bees. But few, most long dead, made the mistake of presuming that beauty begat a lack of strength or skill, nor was there any doubt as to his status, his dominance worn as easily and naturally as his own skin. And from the moment he rose from his mater’s arms to toddle towards a proud pater, he was trained in all matters an Alpha should know as if he were the direct heir, rather than the spare. As third Alpha, then second to his brother upon the death of their father, and finally First Alpha; Jensen proved himself deserving of the faith his people held for him through his prowess and courage in the face of daunting odds. This day was no different as he stood tall and ready, armed with both the backsword and the short Katzbalger for which he was known.
But Jensen of Ackles was not as tall or broad as the huge Padalecki who wielded a heavy two-handed broadsword with a reach that nearly as long as Jensen was tall. The Padaleckis were known for their breadth of size and for a ferociousness bred by long winters in the harsh climes of the mountains. Jared had been barely out of the braes of childhood when both his father and his older brother died ignominiously during a raid of Ackles livestock. Despite the doubters, the boy that many remembered as a mischievous prankster and a buffoon in his youth, quickly assumed responsibility beyond his years and with a mastery that bespoke of attention to lessons most assumed he hadn’t learned, it wasn’t long before tales of his tactical exploits were of legendary proportion.
The tales that the minstrels would eventually spin would regale on these two lads fondly, neither expecting the heavy burden that they would each bear, but neither denying their roles when it was thrust upon them. When the needs of their clans demanded their due, both stepped up and without reservation played their parts admirably before the backdrop of a blood feud that was neither of their making nor their desire.
The tales would sing of the warriors of the two clans that day, how by unspoken agreement, all present knew that one side would soon lay down their arms and kneel to the victor for clemency. How even with death surrounding these hardened men and women, that a spark of hope banked in their hearts for an end to the fear and violence that the feud fed. And some even felt ashamed that even if their prayers to the gods for victory were frowned upon, that the outcome of the battle they were witnessing cost the best of them, they could live with that if it meant that their children and their children’s children would finally be able to sleep at night without fearing retribution for some real or imagined vendetta.
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