CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS // UNDERAGE Prompts Post // December 1-15 //

Dec 01, 2012 00:32

This post is for ANY AND ALL UNDERAGE PROMPTS. This means any pairing where one or both persons are under the age of 18.

They can not be aged up or mentioned in passing. Use OCs or someone else to fill the void.


underage prompt post

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Comments 114

Request: Jared/Jensen, non-con, restraints anonymous December 1 2012, 06:49:31 UTC
Jensen is learning to be a warlock, but his teacher won't let him do anything beyond basic level training. Warlocks are judged on the power of the familiars that they claim, so Jensen decides to claim one to prove he's ready to move forward.

Jared is a high-lever familiar, and has prided himself on his ability to avoid warlocks, but somehow Jensen tricks him. He wakes up, restrained both physically and magically. Aside from the panicking over the fact that he's about to be raped and forced into life-long servitude, he's freaking out that it's going to be done to him by a teenager. How is he ever going to live this down?

Jensen no younger than 16 and Jared no older than 25, please.


Request: Sam/Dean, non-con, abuse anonymous December 1 2012, 07:04:21 UTC
AU where monsters aren't real. Mary does die in a fire, and John snaps. He becomes a "hunter," killing innocents that he deems monsters, and as Dean grows up he follows right along. When Sam first learns about it, he's skeptical, and as time goes on he realizes that he needs to get out. John stops him and beats him, and continues to keep him in line that way, encouraging Dean to do the same. Dean doesn't like to hurt Sam, but he will if he has to.

When Sam's 15, Dean develops a sexual interest in Sam and won't take no for an answer. Dean considers himself in love with Sam and doesn't understand why Sam won't just accept it. Sam fights as best he can, but he's never been able to overpower his brother. If John notices, he doesn't care. No John/Sam, please.


Request:: Jensen/Jared, institutionalized slavery anonymous December 1 2012, 09:31:59 UTC
AU where slavery is common.

Jared is the CEO of a well off company. One day as he's on a tour at one of his companies facilities, he notices a young boy, Jensen (age 14-16) who's taken a vacation job at the company his father works for. At first Jared thinks the boy is a slave, so he demands the supervisor showing him around that he wants to try the boy out. He's disappointed to find out that the boy isn't a slave, but accepts it.

The supervisor, worried for his job (even though he shouldn't be worried since Jared isn't that unprofessional) pretty much bullies Jensen's father into selling Jensen to the company. (threatening his job, which could risk the entire family falling into slavery or something equally bad) The next time Jared visits, Jensen is waiting for him in his hotel room as a welcome to town present.

Even though Jared isn't cruel, he's not about to say no to the gift, making use of him, and taking him with him when he goes home. Resigned, but terrified Jensen.


Re: Request:: Jensen/Jared, institutionalized slavery anonymous January 20 2013, 21:22:32 UTC


Request: Sam/Dean/Cas, Dean only watching, deaged!Cas, established relationship anonymous December 1 2012, 12:03:34 UTC
Due to magic/pegan god/idc, Castiel's vessel gets significantly deaged. Cas doesn't undestand why brothers insist they can't have sex now, he knows they still want him. Dean won't buldge, but Sam is... easier. so Cas promptly saduces him, half way through Dean walks in on them and despite himself ends up enjoing the show.

some kinks suggestion: size kink (duh), rough sex, toys...


Mourning!Jared/Reincarnated!Jensen, age difference, size differential anonymous December 1 2012, 12:23:08 UTC
Jared lost his beloved partner x-amount of years ago and in unable to move on with his life. Enter beautiful, precocious, Jensen claiming to be Jared's deceased partner reincarnated.

Jensen should be no younger than 12 or 13 (older if the writer prefers)and pushy and insistant about reclaiming his place in Jared's life and bed. Jared is reluctant but desperately wants what Jensen is telling him to be the truth. Happy ending please, and Bottom!Jensen only


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