!!! - CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS - !!! J2 Prompting Post // May 15 to May 31

May 15, 2010 14:40


If your prompt includes Jensen and Jared touching each other, this is where it goes. Slash, het, f/f, and anything else you can think of are all welcome and encouraged here! : ) Threesomes including Jensen and Jared where they touch/have ( Read more... )

j2 prompt post, real people prompting post

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Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 1/? anonymous May 25 2010, 03:02:57 UTC
Okay. I started this and this is what I have up until now, but it's probably going to be a lot longer. It's about 5AM here, so I'm gonna finish it tomorrow, I just wanted to let you have this part. I hope it's kind of what you were looking for.


Here's the thing about Jensen. He looks like he's all shy or “reserved” when he's out in public, and he looks like this really easy-going guy, and like he won't make any trouble and like he's okay with everything. And for the most part, that's absolutely true. But once an idea gets lodged in that pretty little head of his, he would rather bring on the end times than admit he's wrong. And he'll fucking murder you in a discussion about it.

So, really, as far as Jared's concerned, it's Jensen's own damn fault. Jared would never have thought of trying this thing on him if he hadn't - granted, drunkenly - ranted on and on about how “there's no such thing as hypnosis”. Because Jared knows for a fact that there is.

Jared doesn't remember how the hell they got onto the subject and he doubts Jensen can even recollect the night at all, but Jared hasn't been able to let it go. If he's wrong - and he has been many times - he has no problem letting someone else win the argument, but when he's right, he can dig his heels in just as hard as Jensen can. And he's right about this and he'll prove it too.

Only thing is, he never meant to get this carried away doing it.


So it happens as follows.

Tuesday is gaming night: fact. They usually play Guitar Hero and Halo, but he thinks he might convince Jensen to play that one Japanese game Sandy bought him for his twenty-fifth. The main menu has exactly the kind of animation he could use for this thing. And if it doesn't work, it's a rather fun game to play, actually.

Jensen is very good at visualising things: fact. It's why he is such a brilliant actor. He thinks of things, imagines them in his head and suddenly, they're real to him. Jared can definitely use this.

Jensen trusts Jared completely: fact. Jared feels bad about it, because no matter how you look at it, he is gonna have to kind of breach that trust. But just once, so he can rub it in Jensen's face how entirely wrong he was. Fucking know-it-all.

Jared's first girlfriend was a lot little more experienced than he was and a saucy little minx that wanted to try everything, Jared was a gangly heap of limbs driven by hormones and thus incapable of denying her: fact. Which is how Jared kind of knows how to do this thing. He's a bit rusty, but he remembers what made him relax, what made her relax and the basic verbal cues. That should be good enough for what he wants to do.


'Hey, I was cleaning out my room couple of days ago and I found this old game Sandy gave me way back,' Jared says, already getting up and taking it out to put in their Nintendo console. He does it a bit too fast because he's nervous and he hopes that Jensen can't tell. He hopes this thing works. He really doesn't wanna make an ass of himself. 'You wanna give it a go?'

'Sure,' Jensen says, leaning forward onto his knees and rolling his beer bottle between his palms. 'What kinda game we talkin'?'


Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 2/? anonymous May 25 2010, 03:05:36 UTC
'I don't know,' Jared says, as casually as he can manage, and shrugs. 'Shootin' stuff, I think.'


A horrible keyboard-song blasts through their surround system and the main menu animation pops up. It's quite simple, but quite mesmerizing: just a little ball of light in the center of the screen that very slowly changes color and very slowly expands and shrinks. Alright, if he's gonna do it, now's the time.

'Aw man, I remember this,' he says enthusiastically, pointing at the screen. 'If you keep watching it for a while, an easter egg comes up. It's really cool. You mind?'

'Not at all,' Jensen answers, holding up his hands. 'I'm just gonna go grab another beer while we wait.'

'No, you'll miss it,' Jared says immediately. He had thought Jensen was gonna do something like this, so he's prepared. 'It's really short - blink and you'll miss it kind of thing. And I got some more beer here anyway.'

'Right,' Jensen says. He frowns, though, as if he does think there's something weird about it. 'Are we really gonna have to stare at this thing? Just tell me what happens.'

'Like I still remember, I haven't played this game for years,' Jared counters as he offers Jensen another bottle of beer. 'Come on, Jay. It'll only take like, five minutes, max.'

'This better be the mother of all easter eggs, Jerry,' Jensen tells him, but Jared can tell he's joking.

'You bet.' Jared lowers the volume a little before turning towards the screen and sees Jensen do the same thing from the corner of his eye. He slows his breathing as much as he can, takes long and deep breaths, knowing that if he does it long and loud enough, Jensen will do it too.

They've been watching for a couple of minutes, when he notices that Jensen is about to speak. He cuts him off, using a soft, low and even voice, 'Just keep watching. It will be really good.'

A few more minutes pass and Jensen is about to interrupt them once more, but Jared beats him to it again, 'Relax. Just focus on the center. It's really cool.'

Before Jensen even makes a move to speak, this time, Jared continues with the same words, repeating them every now and again, trying to sound as casual as he can. 'Watch the screen. Relax. It's good.'

Maybe a quarter of an hour later, they're still watching the damn screen (Jared makes sure to use his controller every so often, so the game won't time out). It's the first time that Jared dares to sneak a look sideways at Jensen really quickly. He's just staring at it, looking like he's bored out of his mind and really just doing it to do him a favor, but Jared can see the slack grip he has on his bottle and hear how slow and deep his breating is.

That's something.

Jensen does say something, this time, but he sounds more tired than he did before. 'Jerry, this really isn't-'

'Shh,' Jared says and has to blink for a minute when it actually shuts Jensen up. 'Just focus on the screen. Relax. This is still nice, right?'

'Yeah,' Jensen says after a minute, voicy hoarse, without looking away. 'I'm getting tired, man.'

'That's alright,' Jared says comfortingly. He can't believe it's actually working. Heat is curling in his veins at the thought. 'That's okay. Keep staring, focus on the screen. This is relaxing.'

'Hmm,' Jensen murmurs. Jared can't actually make out if it's sarcasm or if he's really agreeing, but Jensen frowns slightly and narrows his eyes at the television, as if he's concentrating really hard.

He keeps quiet for a couple of moments, breathing in deeply and loudly, letting it resound in the room so Jensen can mimic it even more.

'Relax. Keep watching,' he says eventually. They've been doing this for nearly half an hour, this should be enough. It's time for Jared to make his move. 'You feel tired, like, as if your eyes wanna close?'

Jensen nods slowly, and even as he does, his eyes start drooping slightly.

'Don't close 'em yet, Keep staring for a while longer,' Jared says. Jensen seems to listen and goes back to squinting at the screen. 'Just focus on that ball of light. It's really relaxing to watch. It makes you relax. It feels good.'


Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 3/? anonymous May 25 2010, 03:06:53 UTC
At this point, Jared has to try really hard to keep his own breathing as regular as it has been. He can feel his heart beat in his throat. This entire thing, seeing Jensen slowly slip under, seeing him slowly lose control is suddenly the most exciting and the most important thing that's ever happened to him. Because he is doing this. Jensen is surrendering to him.

God. He really shouldn't be getting hard over this.

'Relax. Keep your eyes open, keep watching,' he says, squirming slightly in his seat. 'But feel how tired you are. Feel how much your eyes want to close. Feel yourself let go entirely.'

Jensen smacks his lips lazily as a reply and blinks slowly. Jared can see him fight to keep his eyes open. They keep glazing over, slipping shut ever so gently, until he seems to realize that that's not supposed to happen yet and he snaps them open quickly, only to let them droop shut again.

'That's it,' Jared says in a low, encouraging voice. 'That's it. You're so relaxed your eyes want to close, but you gotta keep watching for a little longer. Keep watching the screen.'

He keeps it up for another minute or two, until Jared can tell Jensen is just barely holding on to consciousness anymore - his right eye almost completely shut, his left half-lidded and both eyelids fluttering non-stop and he tries to do what Jared told him to.

'Good, Jensen. You're doing good. And you feel really good, every muscle relaxed and loose, as if you're floating in water,' he says. Jared has to put in a real effort to keep his voice even and low without letting his excitement (and frankly, arousal - this is the sexiest damn thing he's ever seen) seep through. 'You can just let yourself go. Let yourself go completely now, let your eyes close down slowly. The moment they close, you know you will not be able to open them again, but it feels so good, you really don't care.'

Jensen takes a deep, satisfied breath - as if he's happy Jared is finally letting him do this - and his vacant eyes seal entirely shut. It appears he does let himself go, just as Jared asked, because his head also falls back slowly, lolling a bit from left to right, and his mouth opens ever so slightly.

'That's it, Jensen,' he says, no longer trying to hide his smile since Jensen can't see him anymore. 'Just let yourself relax, sink down deeper and deeper. Just let go completely. Your head's completely empty. You stop thinking as you go deeper and deeper.'

Jared continues to lead Jensen into a deeper state of hypnosis. He takes his time, he's been doing this for an hour now and he wants to get it entirely right. He couldn't stop here if he wanted to. All Jared wants now is to make Jensen give him complete control over him - he wants to guide Jensen so deep, make him relax so completely, that he will let Jared think for him.

Wow. Now he understands why Abby wanted to try it. The wave of lust that washes over Jared is unlike anything he's ever felt. The fact that he's gotten Jensen this far, that he managed to make Jensen open up to him this much, it is drugging, empowering and humbling at the same time. It's amazing.


Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 3/? anonymous May 25 2010, 15:59:42 UTC
I'm going to check this every 5 seconds for an update: yessir! awesome!


Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 3/? ekbe_vile May 25 2010, 21:51:25 UTC
And I am going to check it ever 3.5 seconds for an update!!!


Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 3/? anonymous May 26 2010, 01:55:40 UTC
Thread OP here; ahksdjhkdjhskdfj

This is awesome. More pls?


Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 4/? anonymous May 26 2010, 03:19:00 UTC
'Alright, Jensen, just keep doing this,' he continues. 'Loose, limp and relaxed. Ten times deeper with every breath you take, ten times more relaxed. You hear nothing but the sound of my voice, that's all there is. My voice is all you hear, all you can think about, and how good it feels to listen.'

He gets up slowly, quietly, and moves over to the couch Jensen is now draped over, looking completely boneless, completely defenseless with his head on the backrest so his throat is entirely bared, his mouth hanging open slightly, and his legs have slouched open, holding the beer bottle between them in his left hand that's gone so limp, the bottle is threatening to tip over. Jared has to take a moment to breathe because this is just too damn much. He's never been so turned on in his life,

He takes the bottle out of Jensen's hand and puts in down on the table. Jensen doesn't even stir. Time for another test: he takes Jensen's right hand, that's been resting next to his body and gently flops it onto his left. Again, Jensen does not appear notice.

'Okay,' he says, still in the low, soothing voice. 'I'm going to do something, Jensen, and I want you to cooperate. I'm going to take your right hand and hold it above your head. I want you to keep it there and I want you to breathe deeply and slowly, letting every breath take you deeper and deeper into hypnosis. As you sink deeper, I want you to let your hand come down to rest on your leg at the same speed. Just let it come down the way you are sinking down, feeling ten times more relaxed, a hundred times more relaxed, a thousand times more relaxed.'

Jared looks at Jensen for a moment, to see if there's any indication of him waking up, or of him taking in Jared's words, but he can't see anything. Jensen is completely, deeply asleep, the muscles in his face as relaxed as Jared has rarely seen them. 'When your hand touches down on your leg, you will have let go completely and entirely. Your mind will be completely shut off. You will be more relaxed than you have ever been. Can you do that for me, Jensen?'

Nothing happens for a few moments, Jensen just stays as he is, and for a minute, Jared fears that Jensen has just been playing a game with hip, or has just fallen asleep. But then he stirs ever so slightly and grunts quietly, but affirmatively, deep in his throat.

Jared's cock twitches and he can feel the lazy, sweet tingle starting low in his belly as he takes Jensen's hand and holds it up above his head. Jensen's arm freezes. It stays there when Jared lets go.

'Oh God,' Jared gasps quietly. He licks his lips before he speaks again. 'Good. That's great. You're doing perfect, Jensen. You feel so good doing this. Now let your arm come back down as slowly or as quickly as you feel yourself sink deeper. Take your time. Work at your own speed, just feel yourself go even deeper into sleep.'

Again, a couple of moments pass before anything happens, as if Jensen has trouble letting go. Jared doesn't rush it, doesn't say anything for as long as Jensen's doing this. He knows how important it is to not push him, because that will ruin everything. So he just watches Jensen's blank face, his body sprawled out limply on their couch, his right arm pointing up in the air.

The right arm that he put there. That he asked to stay there. But it's only when the arm actually starts dropping, really really slowly - almost imperceptibly - that it really hits Jared. He takes in everything about Jensen, whose arm is now in such a weird, crooked position that it should really hurt, but Jensen doesn't seem to feel it at all. Jared scoots even closer, sitting inches from Jensen now and, If anything, he can see his face go even more slack.

He looks back at the arm, still coming down lazily, still at that weird angle and notices that the muscles in Jensen's arm are tight and working hard - but his hand is entirely limp, just hanging from his wrist as if Jensen doesn't even realize it's still there.


Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 5/? anonymous May 26 2010, 03:20:23 UTC
It's inches from resting on this thigh, though, and he turns back to Jensen's face. Even like this, he can tell the exact moment that his arm touches down, because he can actually see Jensen's eyes roll into the back of his head underneath his eyelids as they flutter ever so slightly - showing Jared nothing but the white of his eyes.

This is too much for Jared. If he doesn't come soon, he's going to explode. He needs to make it to the bathroom quick - and it's not like he knows what to do with Jensen now that he has him under deep.

But he knows he can't leave it at this one time. He can't quit here - who knew Jensen would be so susceptible to hypnosis? There's so much he can do with this, now he knows. So he gives Jensen a trigger to help him go into this deep state of trance more quickly, next time.

'Just remember how good this feels,' he says, trying to keep his voice level and crossing his legs tightly. 'You will not remember what happened, but you will remember the complete state of relaxation you're in and you will want to feel like that again and again and again. So next time when you see the animation on the television, you will not be able to look away. You will not want to look away, because it will take you back here. You will let my voice guide you back here and every time you do, it will be easier and easier to go into hypnosis.'

He repeats it a few more times and finally asks for confirmation from Jensen, which he gets amazingly fast - there's no hesitation, not even a second, when he answers, 'Yes' in that same hoarse voice he used earlier.

'Good, Jensen. Now let yourself drift off slowly into normal sleep. You'll wake up here tomorrow morning and your conscious mind will remember nothing of this. But your subconscious will.' Jared's already gotten up while speaking, hoping he speaks slowly enough for Jensen to understand completely, but he simply doesn't have time anymore. He's gonna come right in his boxers if he doesn't make it out of here soon.

And anyways, there's a Tuesday in every week.

In the bathroom, it doesn't take Jared more than a few tugs to come, harder than he's ever come before - hips bucking into his hand and eyes screwing closed so tightly, he thinks he's gonna hurt them. It's indescribable, satisfying and - he has to admit - quite emotional. It's the best orgasm he's ever had.

(Thank you, Abby.)


The next morning, Jensen startles awake when the dogs get excited over their food, making their bowls scrape all over the kitchen floor. Jared's already gone for a run - still feeling the jitters in his muscles from the excitement yesterday, and it spikes when Jensen looks at him with one eye still shut, giving him the sleepiest stare ever. He looks confused as he takes in his surroundings and then turns back to Jared.

'What the hell?' he says in a raspy voice. 'I fell asleep?'

'You did, man,' Jared says, and has to keep himself from adding I made you. 'Seems it was way past your bedtime, last night.'

'And you left me here on the couch?' he tries to look offended, but Jared can only laugh as he still squints at him, hair mussed up on one side, flat on the other.

'Couldn't wake you up,' he answers as he turns away to take out his cereal. 'I tried.'

'Don't bother next time,' Jensen tells him as he gets up and muffs towards the stairs. 'I have never slept that well in my life. It's like I've got a new body. No wonder I was completely out of it. I'm gonna take a shower, okay?'

'Sure,' Jared says, it comes out much shakier than he meant it too. At that moment, he's really happy they've got two bathrooms.



Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 6/? anonymous May 26 2010, 03:22:31 UTC
It's hard, waiting for Tuesday. Jared's hard, as he waits for Tuesday.

Part of him realizes that it's kind of sick, wanting to hypnotize your best friend and take control of him. And that it's even sicker to actually do that. But the part that craves for it is much louder, bigger and stronger and makes the former shut up pretty easily.

And it's not like he wants to make Jensen cluck like a chicken or make him forget how to count to ten. Why would he? All he wants is to see Jensen, like no one gets to see him. See all of him, without the reservations, without the thoughts that are constantly mulling through his head. He wants to see Jensen, 100 % pure Jensen, as he is - he wants to see what Jensen looks like when he comes undone, when he just loses himself entirely.

And most of all, he wants to be the one to make Jensen lose it.

So when Tuesday comes around a week later, Jared again suggests to play Sandy's game. Even if he's more nervous this time. He didn't expect Jensen to change after last week - he knew there wouldn't be any indication of what had happened, not if he planted the triggers right. But everything is so shockingly normal between them (aside from Jared's multiple, epic orgasms) that he starts to fear he imagined it.

But when Jensen looks at the disc, there's not a single moment that tells Jared he's even seen the thing, 'Sure. What kinda game we talkin'?' he asks easily.

Jared has to turn away to hide how his breath hitches. 'I don't know. Shootin' stuff, I think.'

'Awesome. Put it in.'

Which Jared does, obviously. This time, it doesn't take half an hour to take Jensen down. The moment the animation comes on, Jensen starts watching it from the corner of his eyes - face still turned towards Harley as he scratches the dog's ears.

'I'm gonna put the dogs out back,' he says quickly, trying not to stare at Jensen and willing away his arousal that's already building. 'Just a minute.'

'Yeah,' Jensen says, absentmindedly and too late, as Jared's already in the kitchen.

When he gets back, Jensen's facing the screen entirely, watching it as if he's studying it.

'That's the most enthralling thing I've ever seen,' he tells Jared as he sits down next to him. He leans in to him, making their shoulders bump, but he never turns away from the television. 'I can't stop looking at it.'

'You don't have to,' Jared replies, putting on his soothing voice again.

'No,' Jensen says, as if he hadn't even considered that. 'No. I guess I don't.'

'We could watch this all night, if you want to. Just keep staring at it,' he continues. 'Because this is nice. It feels good.'

'Yeah,' Jensen confirms, his voice already losing expression and emotion.

'We will keep watching, even if it makes you tired,' Jared says. 'Even if it makes you want to sleep.'

Jensen doesn't even answer anymore now. He's just staring at the screen, listening to Jared's encouraging words, blinking every now and then.

About ten minutes later, Jared sees him close his eyes, keeping them shut for just a second too long - he does it once, twice and when he opens them a third time, the fascination in his eyes is completely gone. Jensen is gone. He's still watching the screen, because Jared told him to, but there's no recognition in his look. It's completely vacant, eyes glassy and unfocused. He even waves a hand in front of him to check, but it doesn't disturb him gaze in the least.

After another couple of minutes, Jared lets him close his eyes and Jensen slumps down entirely next to him, as if he's gone entirely boneless. He takes his time, guiding him deeper and deeper again. Finally, he asks Jensen to sit up and look at him while remaining deeply in trance, when he's ready to completely follow his commands. Jensen actually does it - he sits up slowly, as if he has to drag himself up and only then, as his back is straight and his face is in front of Jared's, does he open his eyes and lets them rest on him - they're still just as vacant and glazed as they were while watching the television.


Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 7/? anonymous May 26 2010, 03:23:27 UTC
Having that mindless gaze directed at him, though, gets Jared hard in .1 seconds. Jensen has just given him complete command of his mind and body and, as straight as Jared thinks he is, it is the biggest turn-on of his life to know that Jensen Ackles, tough, broad and blindingly hot Jensen Ackles is his to control - and Jensen doesn't even realize he did it.

So of course, what he wants is for Jensen to get just as much out of this as he does - the same amount of enjoyment, of arousal, even. And again, he takes it slow, because he remembers how wrong it is to rush a thing like this.

He starts with telling Jensen he can feel tickling on the soles of his feet and enjoys the sight of Jensen squirming on the couch, laughing and wriggling his toes as if that's going to make it stop. Jared tells him that makes it even worse. It's amazing to see Jensen like this - in all the years he knows the guy, that has never happened.

Jared makes the tickling run up Jensen's legs, but lets it turn into the light tingling of a feather stroking over his skin. He lets it move over the sensitive back of Jensen's knees, the soft insides of his thighs, over the sides of his ribcage and the muscles on his belly. Over the soft nubs of his nipples - which is the exact moment he lets the touches of a light feather switch to the vibrating buzz of arousal.

Jensen's breath hitches the second it does, choking off a laugh, and he sighs softly as he lets his eyes close because of the intensity of the switch. He bites his lips and Jared can hear another hitch in his breathing when Jensen turns his head towards him.

'That's right, Jensen,' he says encouragingly. 'Enjoy how good it feels, just feel how turned on you are. Let it wash over you and take you away. It's all you can feel. And it increases, gets ten times stronger when something touches your skin.'

As he gives the command, Jared lets his fingers ghost over Jensen's elbow and Jensen honest to God moans out loud, doubling over at the feeling.

'Touch yourself. Run a hand over your chest,' Jared says. As Jensen's right hand immediately moves to his nipples, he continues, 'Ten times stronger still.'

Jensen gasps loudly, eyes flying open at the unexpected spike of arousal. His back rises off the couch immediately so Jared can almost see the tingle run through his spine. He looks down at Jensen's crotch and sees a bulge there big enough to rival his own. And that decides it for him.

'Jensen, I want you to make yourself come,' he says without thinking. 'Fuck your hand and tell me exactly what it is that makes you feel good.'



Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 7/? anonymous May 26 2010, 14:02:56 UTC
omg, this is just too hot. Damn.


Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 7/? anonymous May 26 2010, 21:33:33 UTC


Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 8/? anonymous May 27 2010, 02:49:43 UTC
He moans again - not the surprised kind of moan of earlier, but the quiet, soft pain-pleasure moan that says he's building up to something bigger and that it's taking too long to his liking. Both his hands are on his body now. The right still playing with his nipples underneath his t-shirt, twisting them and pinching them so hard it makes him hiss. The left slowly trailing down over his abs, fluttering over his skin, and coming to rest over the hard-on in his jeans. He presses his palm into it, opening his legs even wider, and lets his fingers knead his balls as best he can through the fabric. He stops breathing for a moment, hunches over so his chin is almost resting on his chest - eyes screwed tight and mouth open on a silent 'oh'.

'Open up your pants, Jensen,' Jared says, shifting on the couch so he's completely turned towards Jensen, one hand pressing down on his crotch in an attempt to slow down his own arousal. For a second, it looks like Jensen is gonna do it, but then he goes back to rubbing himself through his jeans, so Jared repeats himself slowly, his voice much more commanding this time. 'Jensen. Open your pants. Fuck your hand. Make yourself come.'

At that, Jensen throws his head back - as if the order alone is a turn-on for him - and gurgles low in his throat. Jared sees his eyes roll back into their sockets again when Jensen blinks, eyelids fluttering rapidly as his hand does finally go for the zipper on his pants.

Jared is not gay, he's got a girlfriend and everything. But seeing Jensen like this - sprawled over their couch with his t-shirt tucked up underneath his armpits and his jeans open, with his left hand tracing lazy circles over his upper body and his right fisting his cock, thumb coming up every other stroke to rub the head and smear out the pre-come, with the expression on his face that says he's utterly and solely focused on the climax he's working towards - well, fuck. Jared can't imagine a girl ever looking this sexy or beautiful. He can't imagine every being this turned-on again.

'Tell me what you're doing, Jensen,' Jared says, inching even closer because he doesn't want to miss a thing. 'Tell me what makes you come.'

Jensen keens, as if that's the last thing he wants to be doing right now, but under hypnosis, he can't ignore a command from Jared and has to do it anyway. He's breathless as he speaks, sentences breaking up in weird places because he has to gasp at the feeling.

'I'm, I'm. A hand brushing low on my abdomen. Rubbing slow circles over the head of my - ah - my cock. I li- I like a finger running, running up and down the - oh fuck - the vein underneath. Going fast and slow, and fast again. Cupping my balls and knead- kneading them.' He demonstrates everything he manages to stammer out, breathing loud and quick. It's mind-blowing to watch, so intense and enticing that Jared almost feels as if he's the one getting a hand-job. Even through the haze of his own arousal, he tries so remember everything Jensen says, document it so he can use it later.

'What else, Jensen?' he demands, voice rough and laced with desire, his face inches from his. 'What do you imagine? What do you like in bed?'

Again, Jensen whimpers, but he is still unable to resist Jared' orders. 'I think of - I. Breath. I like breath on my cock. And I - oh my God!'

Jensen nearly screams, hips bucking up violently and uncontrollably, as Jared bows down close to his dick and blows on it in short bursts of wet air. Jared has to keep his hips from doing the same.

'And what?' he asks immediately. From the way Jensen's rhythm is picking up and the shallow breaths he's taking, he can tell he's close to losing it. He doesn't care what else Jensen is going to say next, he just wants to do it to him, see him lose it right in front of him. 'What's your dirtiest fantasy?'

'To be dominated. Held do- down. Contr-' He stops abruptly when Jared moves again. Without thinking, he takes Jensen's wrists and pins them right next to his head that's tossing left to right against the couch, and sits down in Jensen's lap, one leg on each side of him. Jensen croaks, mumbling gibberish and hips moving against Jared's frantically, completely lost in the pleasure.


Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 9/? anonymous May 27 2010, 02:50:32 UTC
Jared has to take a moment and recompose so he doesn't come right this instant, but he has to hold off. He can take control of Jensen, he already has.

'Now, Jensen. Look at me,' he orders, hands tightening slightly on Jensen's wrist.

It's Jared's turn to gasp, because Jensen dazedly blinks, a few times, and finally rests his still vacant, entranced eyes on Jared. He can see Jensen's orgasm come on because of it, racing through his body like bubbles rushing to the surface of boiling water. He freezes completely, as if he didn't expect to come this quickly and this hard. It's long, drawn out because of Jared's hips still moving against his. His back comes off the couch entirely as he keeps edging towards Jared with slow, jerking movements, in an attempt to hold on to the sweet feeling. His eyes never leave Jared's face - he doesn't even blink - and his mouth is hanging open wide, even if he's not breathing.

When he's done, he falls back against the backrest, eyes closing down immediately, and lies completely still. He's entirely strung out - completely spent.

Jared isn't yet, but fuck. Fuck. He hasn't even touched himself, has barely touched Jensen and he's biting down on his tongue to keep from coming harder than he ever remembers. He looks at Jensen for another second or two, wanting to lock this picture of Jensen into his head forever, before he orders Jensen to sleep it off, to remember how this was his best orgasm ever, how they will absolutely do this again next week and rushed off to take care of himself.

The images keep playing in his mind, though. He can't stop it and he comes in his pants and he opens the bathroom door, slumping against it.



'Fuck. Shit,' Jared hears Jensen swear when he comes down the stairs the next morning.

'Jensen? What's going on?' he asks instead. 'I know you're not a morning person, but it's not that -'

Jensen is sitting on the couch, still, looking like he just woke up and it's so sexy, Jared has to stop himself from walking right up to the television and putting on the game to do last night all over. He's got a pillow draped over his crotch, though. Hands keeping it firmly in place.

Jared's eyes widen when he realizes that if Jensen indeed just woke up, he's in a pair of jeans that are undone, with his dick hanging out and dried come all over him. Jensen looks mortified.

And it's not that that makes him panic slightly. What does is that he thinks it might be the biggest fucking turn-on of his life. To mask the fact that he's half-hard already, Jared clearly his throat and muffs into the kitchen.

'Yeah, I-' Jensen starts, turning only his neck and shoulders to look at Jared. He sounds hoarse and absolutely embarrassed. 'I fell asleep again, I think.'

'Well, you said you slept better on the couch,' Jared says as he starts to make coffee, keeping busy so he can keep his mind of Jensen.

'Too. Too well,' Jensen says awkwardly. 'I. This is really - I think I had a dream. Kind of.'

'Oh?' Jared sounds fake even to his own ears. How the hell did he ever become an actor? 'A good one, I hope?'

Jensen makes a sound that Jared can't even identify, it sounds vaguely like mewling.'I guess you could say that.'

'Oh.' Jared makes the mistake of looking at Jensen, who's finally gotten up and is still holding the pillow in front of him as if it's a shield. His cheeks are flushed with shame and Jared almost grin when he realizes he did that.

Their eyes lock for just a second, before Jensen runs off for the bathroom.

155 hours till the next game night.


(man, I could keep this going forever, I think.)


Tagged! spnkinkpentamod May 27 2010, 05:30:57 UTC


Re: FILLED: Jared/Jensen - hypnotism/mind control 9/? anonymous May 27 2010, 07:24:23 UTC
this is the hottest thing ever. even when there was nothing sexual going on it was hot as all hell. you need to keep writing. god i love this so much.


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