!!! - CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS - !!! J2 Prompting Post // May 15 to May 31

May 15, 2010 14:40


If your prompt includes Jensen and Jared touching each other, this is where it goes. Slash, het, f/f, and anything else you can think of are all welcome and encouraged here! : ) Threesomes including Jensen and Jared where they touch/have ( Read more... )

j2 prompt post, real people prompting post

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Filled: J2, Jensen/Harley, bestiality, con 1/4 anonymous May 16 2010, 19:17:47 UTC
A/N: I know Jen gives in too fast, but, you can always figure Jared's got some Evil!Sam mojo going on.

Harley's Bitch

Everyone knew the story. It was supposed to be a show about a guy driving around in a muscle car fighting evil, but when Jared read for the part, he had to bring his dog, Harley, along. Harley was so well trained and the rapport he had with his master so good that it became a show about a guy, his dog, and yeah, the car. And thus was born the smash hit of the last two seasons. Hell, the decade to hear some tell it. Couldn't pick up a magazine without reading about it or its stars.

Jensen hadn't been able to read even a quarter of the respectable stuff - let alone the gossip rag junk - in preparation for his job interview. Even if he'd read every word, he wasn't quite sure what to expect when answering an ad for a "dog's personal assistant." What the fuck did that even mean? It wasn't like he was a stranger to dog care - his dad had been a veterinarian back in Texas and Jensen had worked in his clinic practically since he could walk. He was supposed to follow in the old man's footsteps, but he'd fallen in love with a senior during his junior year of college, then set aside plans for his own degree to go with Eric to LA. Douche had dumped him within a year.

Too embarrassed to go back home to the parents who'd disowned him for ruining the future they'd planned for him, he took a job with a dog walking service to pay for his part of the rundown apartment he shared with five other losers - the line-up of which changed almost daily. That had been four years ago.

The owner had taken a shine to him and yesterday had brought the ad to his attention. It was some sort of position being offered only to someone who knew someone, and Jensen had been warned that sort of thing usually meant weirdness, but damned good money.

Tired of cockroaches bigger than housecats and roommates less appealing than the roaches, Jensen figured he'd do just about anything if it gave him enough money to afford a studio apartment of his own. Still, he had to admit he was more than a little nervous when he was shown to Jared's trailer.

To his relief, the interview seemed standard enough. And Jared seemed like a nice enough guy. Couldn't see what all the fuss was about. Which was a classic case of spoke way too soon. "Okay, Jensen, I think this has gone about as far as it can without getting into specifics," Jared said, pulling out a piece of paper.

Specifics? They'd already covered the basic walking, feeding, off-season and holiday grooming - Harley had his own 'make-up' artist to see to his shooting day grooming - etc. What could be left?


Re: Filled: J2, Jensen/Harley, bestiality, con 2/4 anonymous May 16 2010, 19:18:56 UTC
"You need to sign this non-disclosure contract before we go on," Jared said, pushing it and a pen toward Jensen. "And this is for your time today." He laid five hundred dollars next to the contract.

Jensen looked from the money to the contract, then sighed, "You fucking me part of my duties?" he asked, irritated but not naïve about LA and the sex-maniacs populating it.

Jared just looked at him. So not another word until he signed. Fine. Jensen pocketed the money, then snatched up the contract. He read through it. Basically he had to cut his heart out with a dull spoon if he breathed a word about what was said during the rest of the interview. Fine again. Not like he was the sort to go running to the tabloids anyway. He signed, then shoved the paper back to Jared.

Jared smiled and went on like there hadn't been a pause, "I don't need anyone to do any of the shit we just talked about. I'm looking for a bitch to service Harley."

Jensen blinked. "What?"

"I give you a room in my home and a salary of $200,000 a year, for you to let my dog fuck your gorgeous ass anytime he wants it."

His brain short-circuited, and even though he should be bellowing with outrage and making for the door, he just stared.

Jared's smile increased. "I'll watch when I want, and fuck you myself on occasion after you're all wet with his come, but mostly you'll belong to Harley."

"Wh-why not get a female dog?" And seriously? THAT was his only question?

"Got one, but my Sadie is far too much a lady for Harley. He's too rough for her. Too rough for a human female to my mind, too. But a fit man like yourself is his perfect bitch."

"Wh-what makes you think I'd-?"

"I checked you out. Parents disowned you before they died, and you've sworn off relationships after a serious of disasters with both sexes, but the celibacy has to suck." He leaned forward. "My dog has a huge cock. You'll be addicted to it two seconds after he shoves it up your ass."

And God help him, Jensen whimpered.

Jared smiled in triumph. "Strip, bitch," he said with the same tone of voice he used on the show to command Harley. "I want to see your cunt."

Jensen stood. It was to run out of there as fast as his long legs could take him. He'd swear it was. Except he found himself stripping off his clothes with appalling speed.

"Good, girl, Jenny," Jared said, then pointed to the floor beside him. "Come here."


Re: Filled: J2, Jensen/Harley, bestiality, con 3/4 anonymous May 16 2010, 19:19:57 UTC
He wanted to get angry, but something inside him he'd always denied pushed out and said, if Harley belonged to Jared and Jensen belonged to Harley, that made Jared his master, and if he didn't want to be punished, he'd better do it and fast.

"Good girl," Jared said, and began casually handling Jensen's cock and balls, checking them out like a breeder would as he spoke. "I'll want you naked and on your hands and knees unless otherwise told whenever there's no other humans around."

Jensen nodded, blushing as he hardened.

Jared chuckled. "Such a pretty baby, you are. But you'll have to earn your daddy's cock by servicing his boy first. Now drop and turn around."

His dignity screamed for at least a moment's hesitation, but Jensen dropped to his hands and knees instantly, then swung around so his hole faced his 'daddy.' Jared hummed in appreciation, and Jensen felt his ass wag slightly, signaling his pleasure.

"God, you are a natural at this. Somehow I knew you would be the moment you walked in." Jared laughed along with the sound of a drawer opening. A cap popped, then a moment later a large finger began spreading cool gel around Jensen's hole. "From now on you keep yourself wet and ready, understand."

Jensen nodded, whining as the big finger slipped inside him. "Stuff is made to attract Harley, not that he'll need much encouragement with a hot bitch like you."

His cock throbbed and he began fucking himself on the finger, but it pulled free way too soon for things not to hurt. Almost as if to verify his suspicions, Jared patted his ass and said, "Want you virgin tight for him, and if you cry pretty enough, I'll let you suck my cock while you're knotted."

He should be terrified, but his cock began to leak and his mouth to water. "Move over there onto the rug," Jared said, rising and walking toward the door that must lead to the trailer's bedroom. "I'm going to get Harley."

Again Jensen obeyed immediately, even going so far as to spread his knees wide while he lowered his head to rest on his forearms. All ready … eager for the taking.

"Come on, Harley," he heard Jared say, "Come fuck your new bitch." There was the loud thump of a dog of good-size jumping down from a bed or something, then the fast click of claws on the floor moving closer.


Re: Filled: J2, Jensen/Harley, bestiality, con 4/4 anonymous May 16 2010, 19:20:49 UTC
Hot breath on his ass warned Jensen a moment before a warm nose pressed against his anus and sniffed. A happy bark sounded approval, then a tongue began to worry his hole, balls and cock. Jensen moaned, writhing in wanton heat and suddenly absurd reality slotted into place. He'd never managed a successful relationship with a human because he'd been meant to be a dog's bitch all along. Now all those times he'd snuck and watched dogs mating in his dad's clinic made sense, how his face had grown hot and he'd come in his pants every single time long after he could have sought out human touches. "Oh, God, Harley," he begged, "Take me."

The dog whuffed and his cock jabbed against Jensen's ass. He wanted to shift to help, but held his position like a good bitch. "Good, Jenny." Jared patted his head, proving his instincts right. "Let me help, boy."

Jared's big hand settled on Jensen's ass, and he felt the other hand move around, brushing against Jensen's cunt as it guided Harley inside. Jensen cried out in both pleasure and pain at the searing burn of the dog's swift thrust penetrating until his knot pressed against Jensen's hole. He whimpered, both terrified at the thought of it pushing in and certain he would die if it didn't.

Harley began pistoning, his thrusts hard, brutal and Jensen's head swam to think it would always, always be like this. He let himself scream in gratitude for the stingy lube as the knot breached him, and for the first time in his life he felt the fullness he'd craved for so many years. Tears began to spill - a mixture of pain, pleasure and joy - and he whimpered happily as his daddy's hand cupped his jaw, lifting his head enough for him to take the man's massive cock into his mouth. It tasted delicious, and he sucked on it, bursting with a need to please Daddy while his mate ravaged his ass.

"So gorgeous," Jared moaned, "gonna love watching Harley fill your cunt hour after hour. Gonna buy you a collar, get you a tag, Jenny girl. My sweet, sweet bitch."

Jensen's heart beat wildly in his chest at the promise of repeated fuckings. He'd never know another moment without the burn in his ass to remind him of what Harley had done and would do again. And again. And again.

Harley howled, his seed pumping deep inside of Jensen at the same moment his daddy's come filled his mouth. He spilled his own release onto the carpet, but managed once again to stay in position, enjoying the sensation of being filled and humming softly in pleasure at the long minutes that would pass before Harley could leave his body.

Jared's strong grip forced his head up again. "They'll be a contract for you to sign, but it'll have to leave out all the important details," he told him, because, yeah, no binding contracts for sex acts. "So here's the deal - you belong to Harley and to me. He's your master and I'm both of yours - and you never, ever tell either or us no. You got that, pretty bitch?"

Sexual slavery to a dog. And he had no doubts his punishments would be severe should he ever waver in his obedience. Impossibly his cock began to harden again as Harley turned, pressing his ass to Jensen's.

"In public, I'm Jared. In private, you can call me Daddy or Master, I don't care which."

"Daddy," he whispered, preferring to think of Harley as his master.

"Good, Jenny," he said, holding out his hand.

Jensen licked his daddy's hand, showing how grateful he was that he had given Jensen to his wonderful Harley.

With a soft whuff of breath and a faint popping sound, Harley's knot deflated, then he pulled free of Jensen, who whimpered at the loss.

"Don't worry, girl," Jared said, patting him on the head. "He'll be back for more in a few minutes. Dog is insatiable, and you're going to have one well used cunt. I promise."

Jensen sighed happily and licked his daddy's hand again.



Re: Filled: J2, Jensen/Harley, bestiality, con 4/4 anonymous May 17 2010, 00:03:44 UTC

OP here: YES!!!! Thanks so much for doing this, I love it. And if you should happen to feel the urge for continuing, I'd love you even more. *g*


Re: Filled: J2, Jensen/Harley, bestiality, con 4/4 anonymous May 22 2010, 11:14:32 UTC
I loved this and agree, if you feel like writing more I'll definitely read it.


Re: Filled: J2, Jensen/Harley, bestiality, con 4/4 anonymous May 22 2010, 15:52:32 UTC
This was so awesome! The daddy thing got to me like you would not believe! So hot and I would love, love, LOVE to read more of this!


Re: Filled: J2, Jensen/Harley, bestiality, con 4/4 anonymous May 22 2010, 16:07:27 UTC
This is really, really hot. Thank you for writing it! *incoherent*


Tagged! spnkinkpentamod May 27 2010, 05:05:29 UTC


Re: Filled: J2, Jensen/Harley, bestiality, con 4/4 payperv_iew May 27 2010, 07:40:30 UTC
*melts into a puddle of happy goo* You just blew my mind, put it back together, then blew it again. The image of Jensen cumming in his pants watching dogs fuck? And Jared calling him Jenny and making him call him daddy? *spontaneous orgasm*


Re: Filled: J2, Jensen/Harley, bestiality, con 4/4 anonymous June 1 2010, 04:52:45 UTC
I have no words for how fucking hot this was! *fans self*


Re: Filled: J2, Jensen/Harley, bestiality, con 4/4 payperv_iew September 3 2010, 02:18:21 UTC
Reread, and holy hell, this = love.


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