Crossover: Unlikely Alliance (Sam/Hermione, NC-17)

Dec 03, 2010 17:26

Title: Unlikely Alliance
Author: luvscharlie
Fandom: Crossover: Supernatural/Harry Potter
Pairing: Sam Winchester/Hermione Granger
Word Count: 6,653
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Voyeurism, wanking, outdoor sex, intentional POV switch, a tiny bit of Twilight teasing, seriously bad puns, changes in dialogue from American and British depending on whose head I was in at the time.
Summary: Hermione has been called in to assist the brothers Winchester.
Author's Notes: Originally written for treeson at the 2010 (Round 4) hermione_smut fic exchange, where she asked for over-the-top silliness, laughter, bad jokes, a man's perspective (it starts with Hermione, who needs to tell most of the story, but I added in Dean's perspective as well to meet her request). This was my first attempt at a crossover, and once it got into my head I couldn't unthink it. Thank you to cee_m who was master brainstormer for this fic!

Unlikely Alliance


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