Some Ghosty (Some Not) Stories

Oct 17, 2009 21:41

Title: The Thousand Ways to Bleed
Author/Artist: Lithiumdoll
Rating: R-ish
Length/Word Count: medium-ish
Summary: Hours later, Sam opens his eyes. He can see Dean's mouth is set in a tight line and he can't remember the last time he saw his brother smile.
Reccer's Comments: Before Kripke did it, this author did it, and darker. I'll not say more than that or it'll spoil the fic.
Reccer's Caveats: Kripke'd in several elements. May eat your brain.

Title: A Child's Prayer
Artist: brihana25
Rating: PG-13
Length/Word Count: 3:36
Warnings/Spoilers: canon death, violence and flames; spoilers for a large portion of the series, at least through "All Hell Breaks Loose Parts I & II".
Summary: He gives all he has and all he is keep his brother safe, but who does Dean turn to for help when life is just too much? Song: Ave Mary A by Pink.
Reccer's Comments: Mary and Dean, tied tightly together by love and death and other bonds, throughout his life. Amazing song choice, and although the vid doesn't reference "In the Beginning," it takes us to a similar place. Heart-wrenching and beautiful.

Title: When The Breeze Ends (part of the Sarah Chronicles)
Author/Artist: Dolimir
Rating: PG-13
Length/Word Count: 2,500
Warnings/Spoilers: AU from "All Hell Breaks Lose"
Summary: What happens when a dream ends?
Reccer's Comments: This is a wonderful, wonderful AU mini-'verse. It's a very well written look at a Dean who was stopped from making the deal, and the consequences of that for both Dean and Sarah, who is the narrator. I was initially very skeptical of the premise, but it blew me away. It also takes a minor character from canon and fleshes her out beautifully. I only wish the show gave its female characters such depth.
Reccer's Caveats: Bad language. Some mention of Dean/OFCs, but less than on the show. Last story in the set deals with some romantic themes, but has no sex.

Title: You Know Who You Are
Author: apocalypsos
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 1100 words
Warnings/Spoilers: Domestic abuse, 4.01
Summary: Thoughts from a meat suit.
Reccer's Comments: This fic is always slightly unsettling. It's a good reminder that even while Ruby may have been helping Sam, she still was a demon and demons aren't very nice.
Reccer's Caveats: Author says 'some Sam/Ruby'. It's there but very minor and not at all a thrust of the story.

Title: Puppy vs The Tall Things [remix]
Author/Artist: gigglingkat and nadiafox
Rating: same as show.
Word Count: N/A as is a graphic novel/picspam/comics type thing. Image-heavy.
Warnings/Spoilers: Season 1.
Summary: This is the saga of Puppy versus the Tall Things - in which Puppy learns that all things taller than he is are a crime against nature and should not be tolerated.
Reccer's Comments: It's on-theme because poor Sammy is being haunted by things which are taller than him! Oh noes! But utterly off-theme because this is a cracky humour piece. A fun bit of silliness.
Reccer's Caveats: Passing references to wincest.

Title: On Warm Summer Nights
Author/Artist: lyra_wing
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: General for the series
Summary: Mary works the late shift at this diner, and John visits her. Sam and Dean also visit her.
Reccer's Comments: Beautiful and heartbreaking.

This week's rec contributors, izhilzha, starrylizard, caffienekitty, dotfic, fish_echo, rinkle, harrigan, yaycoffee, liptonrm, and claudiapriscus, are the whisper in your ear, the gooseflesh on your neck, the spook in your closet, and the haint in your graveyard. Whistle as you pass them, or they'll kill you dead with AWESOME. (Or fear. You know, whichever works.)

Help us keep the gen love going! Rec, rec, rec at the current rec submission post. This week's theme is The Monster Mash.

Current Progress: 18/30

We have an Insta-Rec Post for fanworks related to episode 5.5. For previous insta-rec posts, click here.

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recs: horror, rec post, recs: multimedia, recs: vids, recs: alternate universe, theme: spooks and haints

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